I'm referring specifically to sawmill pond off canton st. Some call it "box" pond because I guess there used to be a box factory there.

so i used the accessors program and i guess the pond is indeed private, its within their property outline Sad

too bad, that pond holds some great fishing.

Last edited by scoobystas on Thu Jul 19, 2012 8:26 pm; edited 2 times in total

Posted Thu Jul 19, 2012 3:21 pm

[b]I stand corrected sir...now that I've thought about it a bit, it WAS The 'K-Man'...and "Chapter91" escaped my nugget today at work or I could have referenced it better...I can see if "you" make the pond/lake...but c'mon now...'owning' nature is something only Europeans could devise...MINE MINE MINE...your's? HELL NO! MINE!...HEY,you can't fish there...'cause that's my pickerel in there???

Posted Thu Jul 19, 2012 4:35 pm

I can honestly see if you were disrespecting the persons property around the lake. But if you were being respectful not leaving trash around and practicing catch and release i think it is absurd to have someone kick you out. I feel its all the idiots out there that ruin it for the people that follow the laws and are being respectful.

Posted Thu Jul 19, 2012 5:55 pm

Here is their land outline:


looks like there's a small stretch near the train tracks, where i can officially tell them to screw, haha.

Posted Thu Jul 19, 2012 8:26 pm

Yeah bud...it seems that it is under the 10 acre mark which would give you permission from what I can see

and I quote from board of health minutes...

Rick Merrikin: Site encompasses 8.34 acres including the pond....consists of 1.33 acres of land on the side of the pond under discussion. Includes most of Saw Mill Pond; fronts primarily on Canton St., BOH gave variance for FAST system in early 1997. Wishes to convert from existing non conforming commercial use to residential use. Current design flow =- 497 gpd. (3 bedrooms and 6 people in the shop).



Below is an interesting read on Sharon lol...


In the end you'd be best finding permission from a landlord or owner. Seems to be multiple people living there but maybe one landlord? Meh..sucks ..

Posted Fri Jul 20, 2012 5:13 am



I jut went through somthing similar at robbins pond in East Bridgewater.Someone posted private property signs on the island.Im going to call the tax office and see if somoe bought. It.

There is a guy that goes out there all the time and I think he is trying to make it his own little private resort! Pretty sure that you will find that the land is public. The E.P. are stationed right up the street at Burrage, they may be interested in checking it out.

The guy did buy it,You can call the EB Police and they will confirm it and Mass Registry of Deeds or town hall ,it was bought last April from the church that sold the park where everyone is freaking about the beach because that is also private property,Blame the vandles who are wrecking it for the people who respect the land.He pays taxes on the island and keeps it cleann etc. then some people cause problems.

Posted Tue Jun 18, 2013 10:06 pm

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