

I saw thoroughly satisfied with my orders from knSnowman. Good quality stuff and right here in Massachusetts. Lets keep the local guys going.

I'm very glad your happy with your orders and I'm not here to steal customer. But to not consider me a "local guy" is a bit of a stretch. I make and sell my product just over the border in tax free salem nh. Not to mention that I also work in mass and pay my taxes. How many of you live close to the border and cross over to purchase tax free. I bet a lot of you.

That's like saying, if you know them, Gun and sport north is'nt a local guy any more because he took his operation into NH after being in mass for a long time. I'm not a box store mass producing anything I'm a small business owner that does most of my fishing in mass and has had to find alternatives due to the lead ban.

I'm not here to start a war on these forums I'm just offering an alternative to what's already out there by trying to offer different varieties, such as size and color. If you are happy with what you have then I encourage you to continue purchasing where you prefer. I'm not in this to get rich I do have a day job.
Everyone else can waste their time debating this how ever they want, this is just the way I feel.

Good Luck and Happy Fishing

Wasn't downing your site at all. Local meant a lot more than MA....but this is a site that is primarily for Massachusetts.

Posted Sun Feb 24, 2013 7:49 am




I saw thoroughly satisfied with my orders from knSnowman. Good quality stuff and right here in Massachusetts. Lets keep the local guys going.

I'm very glad your happy with your orders and I'm not here to steal customer. But to not consider me a "local guy" is a bit of a stretch. I make and sell my product just over the border in tax free salem nh. Not to mention that I also work in mass and pay my taxes. How many of you live close to the border and cross over to purchase tax free. I bet a lot of you.

That's like saying, if you know them, Gun and sport north is'nt a local guy any more because he took his operation into NH after being in mass for a long time. I'm not a box store mass producing anything I'm a small business owner that does most of my fishing in mass and has had to find alternatives due to the lead ban.

I'm not here to start a war on these forums I'm just offering an alternative to what's already out there by trying to offer different varieties, such as size and color. If you are happy with what you have then I encourage you to continue purchasing where you prefer. I'm not in this to get rich I do have a day job.
Everyone else can waste their time debating this how ever they want, this is just the way I feel.

Good Luck and Happy Fishing

Wasn't downing your site at all. Local meant a lot more than MA....but this is a site that is primarily for Massachusetts.

I don't think your downing the site I just wanted to clarify that I'm a local small business making products for the Massachusetts residents and that's why I joined this mass Forum.

Posted Sun Feb 24, 2013 8:04 am

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