Certainly present great points nofx99 and thorn. And its great to hear your opinion, which is different than most. Thats what makes this forum great tho. Everyone has presented valid points in my opinion, no one is really right or wrong.

Why dont we do what Volume or someone said earlier..Make it so members only can see the site trips, so atleast you have to put the effort of signing up to be able to see trips and lake maps, ext. Even make it a minimun of 10pts.

I dont want to shy new, real anglers away either, so if we can come up with something to make it so you cant just google mafishinder, find this site, and grab info. People who do that, wont even bother to put the effort of signing up and contributing before gaining access to the goods.

And i do agree with Kman, no chance the bucket folk fire up the web haha.

Speaking of site suggestions. Dave, is it really necessary to have to put in that darn code when i private message someone? Any way to get rid of that thing? unsure what the purpose is. I can see that for order stuff online, so a kid doesnt grab your CC and just punch in #s and buy stuff, but for sending people messages, i dont see the point. Not a big deal at all, just kind of annoys me haha

Posted Tue Jul 27, 2010 3:37 pm

i agree with with napa says for sure. it seems like the best medium and we could see how it goes. if you don't want to give up exact details, locations, and lures just don't post it. i've got tons of trips this year at money spots that i don't put up as i'm sure everyone else does as well. i also agree with all you guys about the buckets. can't say i've seen illegals in the places i've been to but i have seen buckets galore. hopefully they're only catching sunfish.

Posted Tue Jul 27, 2010 8:53 pm

I still will share my spots with anglers who catch and release. I just will not post my trips for anyone to view. Just friends and anglers if u would like to know just ask. Just dont want to help out illegals ruin our ecosystems with trash and keeping anything that swims. just want people to know what is going on ,and it is going to get worse. I ran across some illegals earlier in the year the one guy that spoke a little english told me he found the pond on mafishfinder and thats how i found this site, checkin out the info.

Posted Tue Jul 27, 2010 10:31 pm

Nice tell us how you really feel!!! OK so the real problem is a***** illegals taking too many and undersized fish (seen it happen) and people who pollute and disrespect our wildlife and waterways. Really, sharing advice here is in noway ruining our fisheries. I do understand your frustration though.

Posted Tue Aug 03, 2010 8:24 pm

Ponds and lakes are always gonna be around for people to find. You're not gonna stop foreigners from fishing by refering to lakes as pond A, River X. Just punch them in the head next time you see them there.

Posted Tue Aug 03, 2010 8:29 pm

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