Went to Maine for annual Father's Day Trip. 8 of us with 4 boats. Good time had by all. Caught 30 or so bass on thursday from around 1:00pm to 4:30 pm biggest being little over 3 LBS.. Caught 40 or so on Friday from 7:00am to 3:30 pm and got soaked by rain in the afternoon biggest being little over 3 LBS again. Slow day and got 28 on Saturday from 7:30 am to 4:00 pm. Six were 3lbs, most others were 1 pound to 2 pound range. But two biggest were 4LBS 4 OZ and 4 LBS 8OZ. My friend Leon got 18 Bass, three 3 LBS, most others 1-2 pound range. But his biggest was 4LBS 13OZ.