First I want to thank all the participants for coming out on a cloudy and rainy day. The fact that everybody showed up is a testament to how much we all love fishing.

Also, a double shout-out to Bobby and Mrs. Wells who took a sudden and unexpected dunk from their canoe after hitting a submerged stump. Bobby lost his scale in the process and couldn't continue in the tournament. I am going to comp Bobby one entry fee in the next tournament to offset the loss and because his wife is such a trooper.

Now, herewith, the results of our tournament:

1st Dirty Hooker (Drew B.) - 8lbs 14oz - lunker 3lbs
2nd Juggernoob (Yao) - 6lbs 15oz - lunker 1lb 12oz
3rd Pistolpete (Pete M.) - 6lbs 13ox - lunker 1lb 14oz
4th Mainiac (Greg H) - 6lbs 6oz - lunker 2lbs 1oz
5th jjbagoose (John W) - 6lbs 5oz - lunker 2lbs 14oz
6th Pirougejoe (Rick B.) - 6lbs 4oz - lunker 1lb 9oz

Berkleegrad (John C.) - did not weigh in
Bassmaster (Dan D.) - did not weigh in
Pound Town (Bobby W.) - did not weigh in
Mrs. Pound Town - did not weigh in

Congratulations everyone! Drew gets to choose the next location. Where's it gonna be?

Posted Sat Aug 18, 2012 1:19 pm

After reviewing the results of this tournament it reinforces to me the importance that ounces play in the final results. The difference between 2nd and 3rd was only two ounces. And two ounces also separated the next three positions.

I will make the following addition to the rules:

In the case of a tie, the tie breaker goes to the person with the largest fish. In the case of a tie for lunker, the tie breaker goes to the person with the next largest fish. If we are still tied after all tiebreakers then the winnings will be evenly split.

Posted Sat Aug 18, 2012 1:26 pm

Congrats to the "Dirty Hooker" and "Juggernoob"....WTG!
It was great fun fishing and getting to meet everyone.. Can't wait until the next one!

Poundtown1 and Poundtown 2... hope all is well and hope to see you both again!
Berkleegrad...thanks for putting on the event and organizing everything. Great job!


Posted Sat Aug 18, 2012 2:11 pm

Nice work guys, looks like we have a kayak series going now John, nice job!

Posted Sat Aug 18, 2012 3:07 pm

Good job guys & gals! I like how the winner gets to choose the next tourney site or is it just a coincidence Drew won and he was already choosing the next location prior to this tourney?

Posted Sat Aug 18, 2012 3:43 pm

congrats guys...bum deal Bobby. I hope the scale was all you lost.

Posted Sat Aug 18, 2012 4:08 pm

Thanks for the tourney folks and I appreciate the offer berklee. Cell phones were in a bag that got a bit wet so quickly threw them in rice when i got home and pray til tomorrow AM, but either way insurance should cover it

We got the bottom the canoe stuck on a stump so i moved to the front of the canoe to try and get the weight off the stump. Was lunging forward to slide the canoe along which was working til I slipped on the wet floor and went over and landed on the side of the canoe enough to start taking on some water. Lindsey rolled with it and ended up in the drink and that was it. Nothing but a lost scale and some hurt pride. Lindsey was a trooper came up from the dunk laughing. It's too bad I had two decent bass to my name. We were trying to get Lindsey her first bass, and I think she was more upset she didnt get one, only a sizable crappy.

About 20 minutes earlier lindsey had a fish that had her rod bent in half, in which she promptly turned to me and asked what do i do! I don't think she was expecting anything that big, it went on a strong run and got off, but left her hungry for more.

She is looking forward to the next one and her only request was not at stump pond haha. Thanks again to the folks who were around to offer some help as well as the effort to run the tourney!

Posted Sat Aug 18, 2012 5:34 pm

On a side not in the process of the tourney I figured out how to change the rapala 50lbs scale to pounds and ounces, I know there was one other participant with the problem. Hold down the memory button for5 seconds and it will blink and you can change the units

Posted Sat Aug 18, 2012 5:36 pm

Congrats to Dirty Hooker. Sounds like a good time was had by all

Posted Sat Aug 18, 2012 8:00 pm

Mr. And Mrs. Pound Town, you guys rock. Don't sweat the pride thing. You weren't the first to go into the drink at that place, and you won't be the last. I almost went in a couple times, and I'm in a SOT kayak. That place is scary. I'll never forget the hair-raising scream Mrs. PT let out when she went in! I was about 200 yards away and started to make my way over (slowly) but then saw that Greg was right there offering assistance, and didn't think you wanted all the extra attention. Looking forward to seeing you both at the next one.

Berklee, awesome job running this thing, very prepared and organized. Nice meeting everyone.

Posted Sat Aug 18, 2012 8:01 pm

Hahahaha after we got to shore she asks if I think anyone else heard her scream, I said yeah I think most of westboro lol

Posted Sat Aug 18, 2012 10:02 pm

Despite some tough weather during the first couple of hours I had a blast. I never realized how difficult it would be to try and weigh a fish and take a picture of it at the same time. Especially when it is raining Smile

I had 1 fish on the scale and I was just about to take a picture when it jumped off the scale hook and out of the boat. If I could have finished the job I might have finished a little higher.

Sorry to hear about team Pound Town's troubles. I actually didn't even hear the scream and found out about the misfortune back at the ramp.

I had a great time and it was cool to meet everyone. I'll definitely be back.

And thanks John for running the show, great job!

Posted Sun Aug 19, 2012 9:03 am

Congrats guys and gals on a great tournament! I think this format is cool and gives more anglers an opportunity to compete and have fun!

Bobby, I'm glad you and your lady didn't get hurt...a scale is easy enough to replace bud. You guys rock and again don't let the pride thing bog you down, kudos for your laddy laughing it off...s*** happens!

Napa and I were out on my Jon Boat last Sunday there and we got jacked up on stumps at least 20 times...with a couple close calls....the place is a gem but also dangerous:)

Are canoes allowed in this format of tournaments or khayak only?

Posted Sun Aug 19, 2012 9:08 am

thanks everyone. Canoes are allowed with two people but each are separate entrants so basically Lindsey and I were fishing against each other and the rest of the field.

Posted Sun Aug 19, 2012 10:19 am

Very cool....I'll keep that in mind for future tourneys- thanks for the update.

Posted Sun Aug 19, 2012 11:40 am

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