I caught 4 rainbows at my favorite spot this morning.
The weather was not as good as I would have liked. There was a slight mist in the air, and it was cool with a light NE breeze. However, I hadn't been on the water in weeks so I wasn't going to be deterred by a little cold and damp.
I have a raincoat with a hood and the coat combined with chest waders kept me insulated from the cold wet weather with the exception of my hands. When the mist turned into downpours later in the morning I started to think about going home for a hot cup of coffee, but like I said I was in need of some time on the water. Besides, I was already in the water and determined to feel the fight of at least 1 trout before surrendering to the rain.
I started the morning casting a size 8 Stone Fly and got nothing; not even a hit. There was a lot of feeding activity at the surface so I started thinking about going with a dry fly. I couldn't identify a specific area of feeding activity so I decided to tie on a size 8 Muddler Minnow. I wanted something large enough and with a little flash to be seen from a distance. The Mudler Minnow sinks slowly so it seemed like a good choice.
The switch did the trick. A few casts later I landed a rainbow trout. It wasn't very big maybe 12", and it didn't put up much of a fight, but it justified fishing in the rain a little longer. I caught 3 more rainbows with the minnow. They were bigger than the first and each of them put up a good fight.
There aren't any pictures because I didn't want to risk my camera in the rain Sorry.