Can one keep shiners alive for a couple of weeks ? I would like to set up a small-medium size tank {20-40gal tank} to be able to keep them alive for the summer months . Is the temp the most important
part , I have all kinds of extra equipment from my 110g tank now that I could use.

Posted Sun May 27, 2012 2:41 pm

Filtration is key..more so then temp in my opinion. With a bunch of fish you have fish waste which improperly filter will build up ammonia etc real fast.

I've done well with a 20+ gallon and 1-3 dozen shiner for about a week before they were all used up. Simple filter and an oxygen stone for added oxygen. Can toss in some ice cubes or what not if the temps are bad but, if you do it in a basement or something they should stay fairly good.

If you have a 110 gallon then you have experience with aquariums and this should be a breeze for you. They are very hardy fish..same family as the carp and gold fish so they can live through a lot.

Posted Sun May 27, 2012 3:29 pm

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