The pond maps have opened me up to a lot of spots, especially when I moved here about 3 years ago...not much on stream fishing on there, because there aren't many streams in eastern MA. I would look into the Swift River in western MA or going to up to NH or Maine to catch trout in streams.
Most people aren't going to give up their honey holes right off the bat, but there is definitely a lot of good fishing in your area. I've only fished A-1 and Eddy Pond, and done well at both places, bass and panfish mostly. Read around on trips on this site, and you should be able to find some spots, or at least some people that will lead you in the right direction.
Some of the best spots I've found have been by looking at google maps and searching for spots and just going there to see if I can fish from shore, put in a boat, etc. A good buy is DeLorme Atlas and Gazeteer for Mass. it lists fishing, boating, camping, hunting,etc. spots. A lot of them aren't listed on the mass wildlife site. Also lists most of the roads in the state, a good thing for a new guy!
Posted Mon Mar 07, 2011 12:05 pm