What about fishing?Despite fierce wind and chilly weather decided to head out for some bass fishing.My friend fishngolf had suggested trying some cranks he had been killing them all spring on them.Finally I gave in.I like soft plastics mostly but they have been slow for me lately.Well the 3rd spot in I throw out a shallow diving square billed crank and whack hmm thought that felt like a fish.Damn snagged!Wait a minute snags don't move,shake their head,and peel off line!Man this thing is big!I get it close and see giant swirl then its back and dorsal fin.This doesn't look like a bass!What seemed like forever I finally get the fish all the way up on rocks.Was fishing off a bank.Jump down wow its a Pike 8-10lbs easy.Crap no net no glove no back up.Tried to pull her completely on rocks so I could gill her snap!Line cut along with my finger.Man that braid can cut skin like butter.Well I am counting it lol not official but just about catch and release except I didn't get any pictures(was thinking about taking one while she was still in the water cause I knew this was coming)no measurement and took what would have been my new favorite crank bait!Funny thing right afterward tied another crank on and right when it hit the water wack 3lb bass didn't even crank the reel!

Posted Sun May 26, 2013 8:07 pm

Forgot to mention,I even jumped in after her!Not my brightest moment.Not the smartest thing jumping in the water after a pissed off pike!almost had her she was worn out from the fight but she got herself together and slipped out of my hands into the deep ha ha even though I was soaked fished on!

Posted Sun May 26, 2013 8:11 pm

The moral of the story is...Always bring a net, or a boga grip.

I learned this lesson the hard way too after I lost a nice keeper smallmouth all because I forgot the net.

Posted Sun May 26, 2013 8:55 pm

The other option is to have a fish glove so that you can grab those buggers behind the head, but I prefer to use my fish grip, it's a great tool.

Posted Sun May 26, 2013 9:00 pm

Yup have a net in my garage hanging off a nail hasn't moved in years usually only bring it when I'm on a boat.I shore fish a lot so wan't to travel light need to get me one of those tools toss it right in the back pack.forgot in all the excitement had a pair of pliers at the bottom of the bag but he may have been to feisty for me to grab him.Oh well I got everything out of it I wanted.good story, great fight but no picture, no lure back, and not a precise measurement and weight.So almost everything ha ha!Always catch what I'm not targeting.

Posted Mon May 27, 2013 3:07 pm

No catch and quick release!!! Come on.....

Posted Mon May 27, 2013 6:43 pm

I need a net....

I lost what I figure was a 3lb smallie yesterday fishing out of kayak.

Lost it right infront of the kayak

Posted Tue May 28, 2013 3:46 pm


Frabill makes a quality net that costs less than $20.


Nice Find John.

Does this net work OK for bass too? How much weight can it handle? I could really use one in the kayak.

Posted Tue May 28, 2013 4:18 pm

I've only used it for trout but I really like it a lot. I wear it on my fly fishing vest but it would be a good size for the limited space in a kayak too. It would easily clip to a loop on your vest.

Posted Tue May 28, 2013 4:29 pm

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