
The flying boat is from an older Bond film I think, where he's chasing jaws, if I recall correctly.

You are almost correct Sir! Bond was being chased, not the chaser.

James Bond chases are always spectacular, but this one was even more so - unintentionally. For the 1974 film Live and Let Die, Bond, played by Roger Moore, steals a boat to escape the henchmen of Dr Kananga in the Louisiana Bayou. He jumps the Glastron boat over a breakwater for a distance of 33.5m, which made it a world record at the time. The chase boat was supposed to make the jump too, but the waves from Bond's Glastron sent it crashing into a police car, and the scene was kept for the film.

Posted Sun Jun 23, 2013 11:06 am

Brother and I hit up Glen Charlie about a week ago in my canoe during off/on again rain. Later at night, hit the water about 5:30-6ish and fished until ~9:30PM. Paddled basically as far up the Agawam River as we could, was an awesome trip between some decent fish, rain storms, and awesome scenery. The river has a decent amount of current, I was surprised, lots of decent sized bass too just drifting senkos.

Also lost a 6+lb pickerel, it jumped the net TWICE, largest one I have ever seen with my own eyes. Lots of them too, they were very aggressive on the spinners/buzzbaits and topwater frogs.


Posted Mon Jun 24, 2013 7:21 am

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