The Plymouth spots are best if you can get into a boat or kayak but, I have had some luck at howland pond off clifford rd by the dam for freshwater. The jetty is a good time or off of manomet point for stripers. If you invest in waders my guess if you will have luck at any plymouth pond. Best of luck!
365 ponds in plymouth! Water is very low chances are you could walk around a lot of ponds! There's gems down there for crappies smallies largemouths perch and pickerel!
You can get away from Reality in the backwoods of Plymouth
Drive around myles standish with your gear and hop from pond to pond there's tons of opportunities for shore fishing in there almost all of the ponds in there are fishable especially with the summer camps being closed for the year. Or try little pond in Morton park there's a bunch of places to fish from shore with parking and there's a ton of fish including some nice holdover trout and freshly stocked ones.