I don't know if it is because I'm fishing more this year or that I'm becoming more familiar with new bodies of water I've been fishing(moved to slightly different area of state few years ago)or that they have put bigger and better fish in the water this year.The warm winter helped us get an early start.I've caught bigger and more trout than I've ever caught before this year caught a nice 3lb rain bow out of the Sudburry river and would have caught more if that wasn't my last hook lol that is a sign I've caught a boat load of trout cause I usually don't attempt to take hook out if it is not in lip trout are to sensitive don't want to kill em if I'm not eating them so just cut the line guess time for another trip to the tackle shop I was only there for 20 minutes.

Posted Tue May 08, 2012 4:41 pm

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