Fished Agawam river a little yesterday. Meat and Jonny you know where I was at a little further past the dam. Met some friends who camp out there. You go into maple park and drive about 4 miles into the woods. They got a spot on the river where you can camp for free. Enough space for 3 tents and a few cars. Put a canoe or john boat in real easy. Anyway I didn't catch anything bigger than 2lbs, but saw some guys in another boat hammer back to back sixes no B.S. The place is loaded with stumps. Closer to the dam it gets real deep 30 ft +. On a down note my friend was driving my girl and I back to her car. She was on my lap and he got a little crazy and ended up putting the truck in a ditch and up into a tree!!
My girl ended up wacking her head or the corner where plastic runs between the windshield and side window. Knocked her out

Airbags deployed and all that fun stuff. She came too and I drove her the cumby down the street. I got to give her credit she's a tough cookie, wanted nothing to do with the hospital but after checking her out more she had a bump the size of a golf ball on her head plus two smaller ones. Also all types or bumps and bruses all over her arms and legs. Not bad for a third date huh.