Okay, so me and two of my friends on MAfishfinder (dapar321, and regan91) have recently been fishing Oldham Pond in Pembroke MA a lot. It's a GREAT spot, especially at dusk/night. But lately we've been fishing anywhere from 2pm-10pm, and in those times the past 3 times we've gone in the past week and a half there have been some people of a certain demographic. I won't say what they are in hopes of not sounding racist, but they don't speak much english. I don't want to sound racist I really don't, but they're out of control. They fish the beach across from Liddy's General Store with Saltwater Rods and huge triangle drop sinker 2 hook setups for Bullhead Catfish. They reel in fish every cast almost, and if its not a bullhead, they kill whatever it is, and toss it back in the water like its nothing. We saw them kill over 8 fish the past week, along with them taking the Bullheads to eat them. They de-barb the bullheads and leave the barbs on the beach for people to step on. NICE SIZE bullheads too, like 2 pounders. Maybe more. I have no problem with eating a fish once in a while (I am a HUGE catch and release supporter) but when you're there almost EVERYDAY with your 10 gallon grout/mortar bucket taking fish home, its a bit ridiculous. People like that are the reason a lot of places are becoming off limits or private property to sport/recreational fisherman. Or just off limits completely. Today they were at Oldham again, with lawn chairs and everything setup. They came after we had showed up, and as soon as we saw them we just left, because they make our blood boil. BUT! not after we saw them on one their first casts they caught a white perch and a yellow perch, stabbed them and threw them back in the water and they floated away belly up. Literally as soon as we took one step forward towards our car, they practically knocked us out of the way to take our spots to have more room to fish, and looked at us like we were some kind of idiots. I have the right mind to call the EP or Park Ranger next time I see them. Don't know how much they could do, but thats how angry it makes me.

Posted Wed Jul 04, 2012 10:50 pm

you would probably do more damage by calling INS or Immigration. It burns my ass too

Posted Wed Jul 04, 2012 11:35 pm

Sure, what they are doing may be infuriating but is it illegal? AFAIK there are no limits on panfish or bullhead. They probably consider the panfish a nuisance and are employing rudimentary population control methods. And if they are regularly eating bullheads they are slowly poisoning themselves with mercury.

Posted Thu Jul 05, 2012 5:52 am

I have kicked over many a bucket, not always a wise move. but it is one of my biggest pet peeves as well.

Posted Thu Jul 05, 2012 6:25 am

There may be no limits on certain fish but you still need a license. I've been going to this pond in Winchester. These guys show up with a small jon boat, 4 of them jump in and off they go. I know the boats not registered and I'd bet they don't have licenses. That's one of my biggest peeves. Oh ya and they were keeping everything.

Posted Thu Jul 05, 2012 6:57 am

yeah sickens me to death - i call dcr when i see fish slaughter and for littering the popo

sucks to be that douche but hey i want my kids to enjoy whats left of nature and not grow up in a s*** hole full of garbage like down south

Posted Thu Jul 05, 2012 8:05 am

Call the E.P. and give them a heads up. If these guys have been there on a regular basis at the same time every night, let them know what's going on. Ask them if someone can swing by and check it out. I would be willing to bet that they don't have licenses Exclamation 1-800-632-8075

Posted Thu Jul 05, 2012 12:44 pm

Thanks for posting the number Don. You can include me as another angler who is sick to death of watching this crap. And not for nothing but they often take the best spots. Why are they killing fish and then throwing them back? If it really is for population control, then they really are idiots. Are we allowed to request their licenses? Kind of like a citizens arrest? Just enough to scare them away from our favorite honey holes.

Posted Thu Jul 05, 2012 12:56 pm

This is becoming more of a common trend. I constantly see people doing this or breaking some kind of rule. I don't want to be the douche bag who is telling on people, but at the same time it needs to be done. With that being said, I have no problem being the A-hole to call on someone.

If we all start standing up to this type of garbage, maybe it will stop.

Posted Thu Jul 05, 2012 1:06 pm

If I see illegal fishing my plan is to tell a white lie that the EPs have been coming by and give the person a "tip" that they should be sure to have their license on them. if they go out and get a license and then continue their poor practices, at the very least they've paid into the program to repair their damage.

Posted Thu Jul 05, 2012 1:12 pm

they dont ever ask these guys for licenses, they just kick them out. That being said, word among them spreads fast and they dont take the chance while the heats on. Keep calling the rangers on them. It does keep the numbers down.

Posted Thu Jul 05, 2012 1:57 pm


they dont ever ask these guys for licenses, they just kick them out. That being said, word among them spreads fast and they dont take the chance while the heats on. Keep calling the rangers on them. It does keep the numbers down.

I think we discussed why they just kick them out, because if they ran their names and numbers they would have extra work to do like INS Paperwork, which would require an arrest (more work) and we all know they dont want that, just keep harassing us lisenced fishermen thats all

Posted Thu Jul 05, 2012 5:12 pm

I don't mind being harassed because 99% of time I'm legit (couple times i've done the wrong thing but didn't know it was against rules)these guys either know the rules or just don't care.Every fish has a reason pan fish an important part of food chain for game fish so if these Jackasses keep killing them fishing for larger game fish eventually is negatively affected.These rules are in place to help keep our fisheries thriving these are probably same fools that litter same place they fish with trash as far as I'm concerned the mercury is to slow a method ha ha!

Posted Thu Jul 05, 2012 8:09 pm

So, about a year ago, I brought up this subject and I was called a racist! I'm glad too see people waking up on this site and in this state because before you know it, their will not be any natural resources too fish. These "people" that we talk about have a lousy track record with their own natural resources and country. We are handing over our country to these ungrateful "people" and the EP will do nothing about it ,but harass the people that register their boats and pay for their licenses. About a month ago I was fishing my secret pond (lol) when someone from the woods shouts out did u catch any fishes, I look up and i see about 15" people "scattered in the woods and shore with home depot buckets and then all of the sudden, I smell a fire, they were cooking the fish on the shore. SO, I called EP someone came out, they threw them out, 3 weeks later there back! The pond I fish is in a real nice neighborhood pretty much all woods they leave trash all over the place, dead fish floating, and fish bones everywhere. Before you know it I will not be allowed to fish this pond, because of these" people" Thank you state of Massachusetts and the EP.

Posted Thu Jul 05, 2012 9:15 pm

just buy this shirt and start asking questions

Posted Thu Jul 05, 2012 9:47 pm

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