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"Get Hooked on Massachusetts"

Muskie Adventure Tours "Return to the Salmon River 2013" Comments

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User: muskiebigfish
Comment: I should of called this one the Change your Icon Tour!! hahahahahaha
Date: 10/08/13 01:53 PM

User: bassinbrooksy
Comment: id love to be that witness lol
Date: 10/07/13 10:47 PM

User: badlarry
Comment: And yeah I lost my sh@t! lol that had been on my bucket list for a long time now. Scratch that one off.Maybe you could help me scratch that pike off my list sometime! lol When I hit the Chu in Nov let you know your welcome to join rather have company be good to have a witness when I break the curse lol
Date: 10/07/13 09:17 PM

User: badlarry
Comment: Damn that Chu!Ha ha can catch a Salmon at the river but can't break her maybe soon I have a vacation coming up in Nov going to hit her a couple of times. plenty of fore play this time!
Date: 10/07/13 09:09 PM

User: bassinbrooksy
Comment: Badlarry you may have messed up the edit lol but you certainly did NOT mess up the trip haha. One of my favorite parts was seeing how excited you and all of us were when u landed that fish! It was like watching the little engine that could lmao!! Next on the list is you breaking tje curse at wachusett
Date: 10/07/13 08:28 PM

User: muskiebigfish
Comment: The hardest part of the trip is writing it up. So many unbelievable things happen that if you dont see it with your own eyes, no way it happened!!
Date: 10/07/13 07:58 PM

User: badlarry
Comment: Sorry guys tried an edit n messed up trip I am such a jackass lol!
Date: 10/07/13 07:50 PM

User: bassinbrooksy
Comment: i think the best part of the trip was seeing that friggin salmon fly up on shore full speed and almost take out chris's rod holder lol. a killer whale beaching itself to eat a seal is literally the only way to describe the lunacy that happened
Date: 10/07/13 06:46 PM

User: azmlii
Comment: BTW, muskie I noticed you changed your picture. :)
Date: 10/07/13 10:56 AM

User: dr
Comment: Awesome job guys!
Date: 10/07/13 09:59 AM

User: bassturds
Comment: speechless!! awesome trip guys
Date: 10/07/13 09:18 AM

User: aem1031
Comment: Great Trip Guys!!!!!!
Date: 10/07/13 08:33 AM

User: tate
Comment: Holy Mackerel, I mean salmon .... those are some AWESOME fish! Great write up about a great trip .... going to be hard to top that next year! Thanks for posting.
Date: 10/07/13 08:27 AM

User: muskiebigfish
Comment: even better than last week Thanks guys
Date: 10/06/13 11:21 PM

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