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"Get Hooked on Massachusetts"

3 year war finally won..... Comments

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User: bassinbrooksy
Comment: U mean u guys don't like reading a thousand word run on sentence? Hahaha. I k ow how to paint a visual image with my stories so you can relive my excitement but I never said I could use propper grammar and sentence structure lol. Ill try hardee next time to make it easier on the eyes. In my defense though it also dosent help that I typed it all up on my phone lmao. Thanks for all the kind words you guys are like the asshole siblings I never grew up with ;)
Date: 07/03/13 07:46 PM

User: frankiefisheye
Comment: Congrats. Pike are a blast to catch. For years smallies were my favorites but once you hook into a pike let fun begin. Great story
Date: 07/03/13 06:29 PM

User: bassturds
Comment: That's awesome congrats dude.
Date: 07/03/13 03:37 PM

User: gobig
Comment: Damn it! You made my eyes bleed! But great story, awesome job, congrats. Never tried for a pike but def on my list of fish to land.
Date: 07/03/13 02:47 PM

User: bassinbrooksy
Comment: Also gotta add thay out of all the gear I could have cought my first pike on it just happened by chance that it was on the rod the wife bought for me to try n fish for pike 3 years ago :)
Date: 07/03/13 01:31 PM

User: bassinbrooksy
Comment: That's what I'm known for lol long descriptive stories with lots of run on scentences hahaha! U gotta admit it wasa good read though cause you read the whole thing
Date: 07/03/13 01:28 PM

User: shawneramone
Comment: I don't mind the length of the story but use a period in there. Maybe a capital letter. LMAO!!
Date: 07/03/13 01:28 PM

User: muskiebigfish
Comment: Man O Man I need tylenol after reading all that hahahahaha Shorter stories....
Date: 07/03/13 01:25 PM

User: bassinbrooksy
Comment: Thanks! I'm still grinning ear to ear :)
Date: 07/03/13 12:43 PM

User: stratos1966
Comment: Nice pike!! Congrats
Date: 07/03/13 12:26 PM

User: bassinbrooksy
Comment: so ive been told :/ sorry but i have wicked add and i type the way i talk so this is as good as its gonna get lol
Date: 07/03/13 11:57 AM

User: kman
Comment: paragraphs bro, I cant read that
Date: 07/03/13 11:45 AM

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