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"Get Hooked on Massachusetts"

2 1/2 hours on Upper Mystic Comments

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User: shawneramone
Comment: White Lightning has been a work horse. I was using a St Croix mojo jig rod ($100 rod) and White lightning blows it away
Date: 09/19/12 06:13 AM

User: pocketfisherman
Comment: Did you use...... White Lightning?? Nice job. Keep fishing there, you'll get some big ole mules in no time!!
Date: 09/19/12 01:25 AM

User: samf
Comment: good to hear shawn.

here's my pitch setup
-heavy braid
-6th Sense Peg X Stoppers
-3/8 to 1 1/2 oz. bullet or flipping weight
-Strike King Hack Attack Heavy Cover Flipping Hooks
-plastic of your choice
-tie a modified snell knot. this part is very important!
Date: 09/08/12 02:18 PM

User: bcodkind
Comment: iwo1124: you should post that as a trip! we've all lost heartbreakers. i was fishing with a MAFF member once at a particularly difficult lake (Spy Pond) and he hooked into an enormous fish, maybe 6+. He got it right to shore, literally lying on the side on the rocks. then it spazzed out and spit the hook. my buddy jumped in after it, cell phone and all. but alas, the fish was gone...
Date: 09/07/12 11:40 AM

User: shawneramone
Comment: Thanks snowman. Buff this season for me was dedicated to learn how to fish a couple of new techniques and the pitching was at the top. It's paid off.
Date: 09/07/12 11:31 AM

User: kmsnowman
Comment: The tooth pick will work but a punch stop is way better. 6th Sense Peg X Stoppers . $1.79 at tackle warehouse
Date: 09/07/12 11:23 AM

User: jwo1124
Comment: Went to Upper Mystic this past Tuesday and fished from about 8-2. It started raining pretty heavily around 10. Fished all around the pond hitting patches of pads around the shore. I was nervous fishing here, b/c if you look on the map from masswildlife.gov you'll see that its basically a big bowl with steep shorelines into very deep water.

I got 3 hits all day. One on a swimming senko, must have been a small fish b/c after I set the hook, I fought him for a couple seconds, then nothing. When I reeled my lure in the tail was bit off. Same deal flipping T-Rigged Havoc plastic. Bass took it, pulled a little, but never got the hook in. Third fish I hooked into right by the southern ramp, hit my spinnerbait of the third cast, set the hook, and no later the biggest LM Bass I've ever seen came jumping out of the water and shook the hook. Broke my heart. Spent 30 minutes trying to get it to bite again. No luck.

After fishing here for the first time, it seems that flipping the pads is probably the best pattern.
Date: 09/07/12 10:45 AM

User: shawneramone
Comment: I guess they make a peg. I didn't see any at Dick's so I went old school and pegged it with a toothpick. Also I was looking for a 1 ounce weight and they had either 3/4 or 1 1/2 so I went bigger. This is the weight. If I didn't just get a $40 tip at work I probably wouldn't have bought it. I was using steel weights and not catching anything. I'm not sure if it's the color or smell or something but the steel sucked. I have the black one. http://www.tacklewarehouse.com/Eco_Pro_Tungsten_Flipping_Weights/descpage-EPTFW.html
Date: 09/07/12 09:38 AM

User: bcodkind
Comment: Can you explain your setup for the pitch? I understand the 4/0 and the wide load, but what kind of weight was it? Bullet? Was it pegged?
Date: 09/07/12 09:33 AM

User: shawneramone
Comment: Same side of the lake Sam but not as far down
Date: 09/07/12 08:27 AM

View 2 1/2 hours on Upper Mystic Details
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