I lainched the kayak around 7 this morning and fished til 10. It was really nice out on the water, warm and just a slight breeze. Water temp of the pond was 47 deg.
I didn't catch anything for the first 2 hrs. The last hour I worked my way down to the area I thought would produce something, and it did. I caught three decent smallies. The cold water doesn't seem to affect them like it does largemouths. The lm I've caught early season seem lethargic, these smallies hit it fairly hard and fought great. They weren't huge fish, but fun to catch.
Posted 9 years ago
I went out this past weekend with a fellow kayaker for some stripers on the south shore. We launched at 6:00 a.m. and had about a 1.5-2 mile paddle out to the spot. I spent most of the time trolling a t&w and also mixed in casting a minnow lure and a hogy. It was a good doay out there with virtually no wind. I ended up with six schoolies along with a new PB striper measuring 37". I've still been fishing some fresh, but catching big stripers from a yak has been a bit addicting.
Posted 10 years ago
Myself, Tim, and Jared took the yaks out in the ocean for the first time. We launched at Webb Park at 8 a.m. and worked around the islands and the Back river til 1 p.m. We were trolling T&W and throwing a bucktail and lures. Five hours on the water and not even a hit. It was good to get the yaks in the salt and get comfortable out there, a few more things to be aware of compared to freshwater fishing. We all kept the yaks right side up and the weather was great, so I'd consider that a success for the first salt trip!
Posted 10 years ago
I headed to a south shore pond this morning. I had the kayak on the water at 6:45 a.m. and fished til 11:45 a.m. I worked the entire NE/E shoreline and only caught pickerel. They were huge pickerel, all 2-4 1/2 lbs and put up a great fight, but still a nuisance. when I made it to the S shoreline the bass bite picked up. It Started with a couple nice smallmouths, love the fight and the jumping of them. Then the first largemouth of the day was 4 lb. 7oz., wound up being my lunker of the day. I got a couple more bass, then moved over to another pond. There I caught a nice 3 lb. 4 oz. largemouth and another 2 pounder. When it was all over, I caught 13 fish - 5 pickerel, 4 smallmouth, and 4 largemouth. My most productive trip so far this season.
Posted 25 years ago
My three yr old daughter has been asking me to take her fishing every time I grab my stuff and go. So I got her a little rod and we went out for the first time today. I put a worm on and bobber on, figuring that would be her best chance. She got a little sunfish and reeled it in! She held and touched it, then put it back in the water. Lots of fun!
Posted 25 years ago
My three years old daughter has been asking to go fishing every time I grab my stuff and go. So I got her a little fishing rod and we went out for the first time today. I grabbed her some worms, figured she'd at least get a sunfish. Her bobber went down, she reeled it in and got a little one. She held it, then put back in the water. A lot of fun taking her out for the first time!
Posted 25 years ago
I had the day off today so tried to find some open water. I drove down to Plymouth to one of the ponds I fished a bunch last season. It was 100% open water, which was great, many others down there still had ice on them. So unloaded the kayak and fished from 7:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Started with jerkbaits and got some hits but didn't land any. Then tried a spinnerbait with a slow retrieve, nothing. Finally went to lucky craft square billed crankbaits which was the ticket today. I caught five bass and 2 pickerel with many other hits that I couldn't hook. The bass are very slow, barely feel the bite, but once they knew they were hooked they put up a good fight. Water temp was 43 deg, air temp was about 45 deg and overcast.
I was great to get back out there in the kayak and catch a few fish after the long winter layoff.
Posted 11 years ago
I went back to Cleveland Pond in Abington this morning. The weeds had gotten much worse since I was there a few weeks ago. Still fishable, but no open water to speak of.
I fished from 6:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. The bass are constantly surfacing in the morning there going after insects, but they would not take any topwater lures I threw out there. So I went to the old reliable 4'' senko and started getting hits. I caught 7 bass total, all between 1lb - 2lbs.
Posted 11 years ago
I took my kayak out on Cleveland Pond in Abington today, it was my first time fishing there. It's a nice size pond to kayak with easy access. I got on the water at 5:45 a.m. and fished til 9:15 a.m.
There was alot of topwater action early, and later in the morning when the wind kicked up the senko started working pretty well. I caught a few nice bass and had some other big hits that I didn't land.
Not a bad morning and I will definately go back and give it another try.
Posted 11 years ago
I've been out four times so far, and still haven't landed a bass this season. I went to Ponkapoag saturday afternoon and got four pickerel and a sunfish. I went again today and got five pickerel, one of which was a monster and a great fight. I've been usin mostly jerkbait and some softbaits. I was a really nice afternoon to be out on Ponkapoag in a kayak, 60deg/sunny/almost no wind. I'll get back out there next weekend and give it another go.
Posted 11 years ago
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