
zach lebrun

hamilton, Massachusetts, USA
Member since July 25th, 2012
Im one of those rare teenagers who doesn't spend time inside but rather be outside with a rod

General Info

fishing and hunting
Favorite Fish to Catch
pikes largemouth smallmouth pickerel, trout, walleye,crappie
Favorite Type of Fishing
bait casting fly fishing ice fishing
Water Type
Favorite Lures
not telling you
Fishing Rods
bill dance signiture series im6 quantum bait cast
Fishing Reels
pro qualifier bait caster 6:4:1 gears. 7 ball bearings
Fishing Techniques
go on a boat 15- 20 feet from shore and cast a fan to shore and out
Favorite Fishing Spot
pleasent Pond
Favorite Video
# of MAFF Friends

zach lebrun's Latest Reports

theres this pond on the side of the road i pass everyday that i didn't think any thing lived in it cause the hole pond but some open spots, were coverd in lily pads. well, my friend and i decide why don't we put the boat and fish it for 30 mins. you cant fish shore lines cause of too much weeds. as soon as we got in the water i saw a small bass (6 oz maybe). but the pond was 2 ft at most in the pond and the bass had never seen any fishing lure or anything. so i decide to take a hollow body frog and cast anywhere. every cast was a hit. we didn't understand how the bass could survive the harsh NH winters but the biggest that was caught was like a 1.8 LBS but each of us got at least 30 fish in a 30 min ses

Posted 10 years ago

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we fished 5 hours on 12/29/13 and end up with 24 jumbo perch and three pickerel

Posted 11 years ago

going tommorow

Posted 12 years ago

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going at 12:30

Posted 12 years ago

fishing for pickerels

Posted 12 years ago

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pikesrcollio Rankings

Current Rank:

With 161 Total Points

Special Awards Achieved:

Friendly Fisherman

Previous Ranks Achieved:

  • Swordfish Rank
  • Striped Bass Rank
  • Largemouth Rank
  • Smallmouth Rank
  • Panfish Rank
  • Rainbow Trout Rank
  • Brook Trout Rank
  • Baitfish Rank

How are ranks determined?

Below is where we list statistics for the number of reviews, comments, message board posts, etc. that this user has posted on all the Fish Finder sites. The higher total overall points a user has, the higher the user's ranking.

Total Trips: 6

Total Photos: 34

Total Hotspots: 1

Total Trip Reviews: 0

Total Trip Comments: 0

Total Location Reviews: 0

Total Location Comments: 4

Total Locations Added: 12

Total Locations Edited: 16

Total Message Board Posts: 87

Total Species Comments: 1

Total Species Recipes: 0

Total Species Edited: 0

Total Amenities Added: 0

Total Amenities Edited: 0

Total Overall Points: 161

MA Fish Finder

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