
Theresa Backoff

Rockland, Massachusetts, USA
Member since May 24th, 2012

General Info

LMB fishing... with my hubby
Favorite Fish to Catch
Favorite Type of Fishing
spin rod, bait caster
Water Type
Favorite Lures
zoom toads, brushogs, live targetr
Fishing Rods
shimano sellus is my fav.. i have bunches of others
Fishing Reels
abu orrra s10, s40.. are my fav's
Fishing Techniques
froggin and hoggin
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Theresa Backoff's Latest Reports

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I am hooked.. Spent a couple hr's on Tully river and Long Pond not far off rte 2 today with the hubby.. caught a bunch of small lmb's and one pickerel.. didn't take long for me to get used to the kayak never been on one before went about 2 miles up river to a pond fished the pond the headed back as it was getting crowded with kayak's.. no one else fishing.. was heading back decided to hit another spot we tried on the way up river.. threw out the zoom toad and BAM.. hit buy what felt like a whale.. again 1st time in a kayak.. landed a 5lb4oz LMB.. scared me cause it's my PB.. but I was glad we didnt leave to soon.. anyhow.. I'm not hooked on Kayak fishing... I was in a borrowed Kayak stopped at sports authority on the way home and bought one..

Posted 10 years ago

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Not sure the pond we were at crystal clear one island in the middle.. bite was slow caught a few on worms and my be bait balls.. good to see they work.. nothing big enough to weigh. Left there and went back to the Pickerel pond I found for a little excitement.. They are just crazy there. I know what everyone says, I don't normally like Pickerel either but there's nothing better when you see them coming and hit you so hard you almost drop your rod.. then the scream of your braid as you set the hook and your drag is maxed out so you end walking backwards to pull it on shore.. don't get me wrong I wish it was a bass but I'll take those hits all day..anyways caught 37 fish today in total.. mostly 24" Pickerel .. sorry no pic's phone was left behind..

Posted 10 years ago

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Found a pond in Plymouth, bog overflow type place. Not even sure where we were, took a dirt road and ended up here.. To windy to go out on the boat so we were looking for a hidden shore fishing spot. This one proved to be quiet a fun one. Pickerel were huge. Only fished for an hr or so caught more than a dozen 24" pickerels from all over this pond.. lost 6 zoom frogs to these little devils the bigger they are the bigger the teeth.. not a fan of pickerel fishing normally but watching them chase the frog was cool.

Posted 10 years ago

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Tried to get up early.. drank way way to much to be on the water by 5am like I wanted to... fished 8am - 1pm at one of my favorite spots.. didnt expect to catch many with the storms yesterday, but didnt do bad.. 2 over 3 lbs.. a bunch 1lb - 2 1/2lb.. My daughter caught the most as usual.. fished mostly spinners some jigs and some frogs..

Posted 11 years ago

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lil family weekend in the NH.. only 30 of us staying in a 3br house.. UGH... took my nieces out on the boat for an hr or so fishing.. just bobbers and worms for them.. caught 7 fish total some perch some blue gill.. but 1 LMB... 2.8 lb on a worm and a princess rod.. lol..

Posted 11 years ago

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Went to a local small pond in Pembroke... fished for 3 hrs sat. morning and 2 hrs sat night.. then a few hrs sunday night.. did pretty good... about 15 bass total.. 4 were over 2lb.. one was 3.44.. fished mostly frog, a lil wacky worm and a lil grub / brush hog... Ya my husband is always holding them in the pics.. he's got the scale up his end of the boat..
Pic's a lil blurry almost dropped my iphone in the pond.. caught all bass and a 50 year old woman that didnt know how to kayak or swim once she tipped the boat... dragged her and her kayak to safety...

Posted 25 years ago

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Went out early to avoid some of the heat... WOW was it hot all day.. fished till 1130 caught quite a few average bass, a few pickerel... largest was 4 1/2 lb bass.. caught on a tomato red zoom horny toad...
Fished the river in the back side.. was really funny watching my daughter dodge the spider webs in the branches that over hang... funny and hell...

Posted 11 years ago

9lb best of 5 winner right here!!! biggest was only 2.51 but I'll take it... no one else caught DI#K...

Posted 11 years ago

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