
Anthony W

Massachusetts, USA
Member since July 24th, 2011

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Me and cousin went up to Groton and started at the Squannacook. After about 20 mins my cousin had 1 rainbow and I had nothing. We then walked down the street to some random assorted creeks and fished a bunch of spots, just expecting some native brookies or sucker fish. So my cousin casted into a small pool in one of the creeks, maybe about 5 feet wide, and 1st cast caught the rainbow in the picture. The picture doesnt do it justice compared to in real life. This thing was one fat monster, and if you compare the trout to the size of his arm, it's easily 22" long or more. Even though I caught nothing, this was a real eye opener as to what can be in some of these small creeks.

Posted 13 years ago

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