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"Get Hooked on Massachusetts"

Colebrook River Lake Comments

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User: dog-fish
Comment: The water level is still up and the fishing is good. Caught some trout and a bunch of smallmouth. We werehaving a good day last Sat untill a couple of bozos on jet skiers cam by. They are not even supposed to be on this lake. They had the whole lake and had to zoom by within 30 ft of wher we were finshing. I called the Core of Engineers but I am sure they left before anyone paid attention. Next time I will have to be quicker with my camera to at least get the reg numbers.
Date: 07/26/13 12:19 PM

User: riverkiller1965
Comment: fishin yesterday by the boat launch not many hitts go a few smallies an a big sunfish
Date: 09/19/10 08:01 AM

User: tdzurnak
Comment: Small Mouth were hitting good today 6-28-07.we were up a ways from the boatlaunch where the access road is still covered with water.but go up to where it comes out of the water and you have a good spot.we were catching 9 1/2 to 11 inchers..Fun although just under keepers
Date: 06/28/07 02:45 PM

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