Have Gone 6 Days Straight And Still Have Yet To Be Skunked.
Same spot. Same bait; floating worms on a 5 foot leader attached to a styrofoam bobber and glowstick.
Caught the outgoing with a pal today. I have a chef friend who owns a couple fantastic restaurants in the Back Bay/South End (Toro and Coppa. If you ever go, check out the bone marrow anything at both places, an d Toro's corn, and cauliflower dish. You won't believe your tastebuds). He asked me to get him a few stripers for a big meal and I set out to do so. Apparently he uses every part of the fish and I'm excited to see what he can do with the innards.
Anyway, caught a small schoolie off the bat, 30 minutes in. Then no bites for an hour. It was super frustrating to hear the herring popping everywhere, knowing full well that there were big fish chasing them up. My buddy's baitrunner went off, and he pulled one in that was about 28.5. He had to work early and split an hour later.
pulled in a few more schoolies, all in the low twenties and a couple being just shy. Finally hit a 29 and a 28 within 5 minutes.
overall a great night. Surprisingly good bite for water that didn't appear to be moving much.
Also, a cop boat ran over one of my rigs and spooled the entire reel before I could cut it, it was going so fast... That was kind of a bummer. Thank God for the baitrunner.