it's true that ig can hold that many but I feel like moving it to the Saturday before Oct 12 would be way better25 plus potentially 15 of us on Webster sounds awful. Im all for Webster but we should try to pick a date when there isn't a big T being held. I know some people say that Webster can handle 50-100 boats. I think thats crazy talk. That many boats on a 1270 acre lake is bumper boats!
. Couldn't have said it better budthere was a schedule put into place. shouldnt start switching things around if guys already knew in advance where and when a tournament would be.....
just reiterating was was said about the TOC and the teams being eligible for it... Thats what was said from a few guys. i can go find it if youd like.
So shouldnt you hold your word to "what was put into place" for all scheduling not just the format and or qualifications? seems like youll make an exception on one thing but not another????
Dont get me wrong hahaha i like being a dick. But if you put in place a schedule and rules.... and theres no LEGIT reason to change the date of a tournament. Then the date should not be changed. seems a little hypercritical to not change one thing because there is a schedule and rules put into place. But go back on your word cos some teams dont want it at a certain lake and will change a location?
just food for thought fells. A man is only as loyal as his word!!!!
With love,