They key to landing pickerel is to have a lip gripper (my favorite is the Fish Grip AND a set of needle nosed pliers. Never get your hand near their mouths, especially when they are still hooked because they will thrash unexpectedly and you'll end up with a finger full of teeth, hook or both. If you don't have grips you can grasp them behind the head and use the gill plates to keep them from sliding through your hand, but you'll still need the needle nose pliers. The worst is when the big ones swallow your bait deep.
One more thing, if I know I'm going to catch a lot of pickerel I have started replacing the treble hooks on certain baits with tandem hooks. Spinnerbaits are easiest to remove. Jerk baits, those with two or three treble hooks, can be dangerous and also injure the fish. I don't have too many issues with shorter square lips, though, just the longer crank baits.
Last edited by bloomagoo on Wed May 29, 2013 6:57 pm; edited 2 times in total