Hey Bass guys - Would an area of a pond/lake where you see tons of Bluegill sitting on their spawning beds be an area you would normally target for bass, or the fact that the BGs feel safe enough to spawn there indicate that there is not alot of bass in the area?
Thanks for the comments guys - I was fishing some pretty big streamers and poppers in and around this Blue Gill area yesterday - but couldn't tempt an LMBs. It was BG after BG- and even though they are pretty fiesty for the size of them, it gets tired after a while. Will stick with it though based on your advice. Thanks!!
best way to catch bass is on a prop bait is around bluegill beds. thats how jacob wheeler won the forrest wood cup on lanier fishin a prop bait around bluegill beds
You might need to really amp up the size of your flies; if you're hooking bluegills then your flies are too small. Move up to something on a 1 or 1/0 at the very least and you could go even larger.
6 wt should be fine if you aren't throwing big bass bugs and poppers. You should be able to throw clousers and deceivers that size. Just use a shorter tippet around 2 ft and they should turn over just fine.