I like the charles and hardy pond but was just seeing if anyone had any other good spots

Posted Tue May 14, 2013 2:24 pm

Google maps buddy!

There's hidden gems out there.
Spots that people keep there mouth shut!

Look for any pond on google maps. Especially ones without a name.

Ones that are hard to get to.
Ones that say no fishing!

Asking people about there favorite spots is like asking a pirate where his treasure is!

I can't say my top 3 ponds cuz I don't want them to get crowded. Most importantly I DON'T WANT THE DAMN BUCKET BRAGADE THERE!!!!!!!

Posted Tue May 14, 2013 3:27 pm


Google maps buddy!

There's hidden gems out there.
Spots that people keep there mouth shut!

Look for any pond on google maps. Especially ones without a name.

Ones that are hard to get to.
Ones that say no fishing!

Asking people about there favorite spots is like asking a pirate where his treasure is!

I can't say my top 3 ponds cuz I don't want them to get crowded. Most importantly I DON'T WANT THE DAMN BUCKET BRAGADE THERE!!!!!!!

couldn't have said it better

Posted Tue May 14, 2013 3:55 pm

i 100% agree. don't get me wrong, i love this site and the sharing of knowledge, but it has unfortunately ruined a lot of great fisheries with all of the trip and spot information.

Posted Tue May 14, 2013 4:22 pm

I definitely blew up my favorite spot when I first joined maff. I haven't even gone there yet this year

Posted Tue May 14, 2013 8:43 pm

i think i know it...damn you maff!!! try the other place near that spot sometime if you haven't already. i wanna know how it is.

Posted Tue May 14, 2013 8:57 pm

I've gotten hate pm's for using terms like Area 51, Lake Groom, Pond X. lol

Its not just about me and my spots, I cant betray others who either showed me or locals that enjoy low boat traffic.

No secret spots that cant be discovered with google satellite views.

Posted Tue May 14, 2013 9:05 pm

Yeah honestly just like everyone else said look around, go pond hopping and sooner or later you'll find your honey hole and feel great about when you find by yourself. Even better when you discover ponds no one fishes! Just like in the above post go to out-the-way places. Just make sure you don't go stumbling off into some pond that your not aloud to be at. Once you find some new spots fish them for awhile and hard. Go back even if you get skunked or a bad day etc if they look unique and you believe they have potential. Try and learn about the place from experimenting with catching different species to just scoping out the pond visually or with electronics if available. Catch some fish and figure out if it's a pond filled with stunted dinks and poor quality of life in the body of water or flourishing with big healthy fish and plenty of forage among the waters. AND AS ALWAYS GOOGLE EARTH GOOGLE EARTH GOOGLE EARTH!!! lol


Posted Tue May 14, 2013 10:25 pm

I don't mind giving out a spot, but usually not giving out the best. Besides, the spot doen't really mean as much without knowing the water temp, clarity and bait being used. If I give you a spot and you figure out the rest of the circumstances to catch the fish, then I salut you as a fisherman who just doesn't throw out a line and hope for the best.

Posted Wed May 15, 2013 6:52 am


i think i know it...damn you maff!!! try the other place near that spot sometime if you haven't already. i wanna know how it is.

If its where I'm thinking you mean I hit it twice. Too much pressure for a small pond. 3 bass boats plus me on a Tuesday. I'm all set with that

Posted Wed May 15, 2013 6:58 am

yeah starts with m. that's weak if it's that pond. like many others, i know it used to be great, then everyone found out about it.........

Posted Wed May 15, 2013 7:07 am

That's the one. A guy I talked to says its always busy. The place looks real bassy

Posted Wed May 15, 2013 7:44 am

I agree that it sucks when your favorite spot gets overrun. I think some spots can be disclosed freely because they are already well known or they provide some sort of impediment (e.g. a long walk or portage, limited parking) that limits their appeal for most anglers.

I also think more MAFF guys should try to move beyond the bass and start fishing for other species and using different techniques. There are so many places and ways to go fishing. I really admire guys like Mark (deaffisherman) because he simply loves to catch fish, all kinds of fish, using all kinds of methods.

Posted Wed May 15, 2013 9:21 am


I agree that it sucks when your favorite spot gets overrun. I think some spots can be disclosed freely because they are already well known or they provide some sort of impediment (e.g. a long walk or portage, limited parking) that limits their appeal for most anglers.

I also think more MAFF guys should try to move beyond the bass and start fishing for other species and using different techniques. There are so many places and ways to go fishing. I really admire guys like Mark (deaffisherman) because he simply loves to catch fish, all kinds of fish, using all kinds of methods.

That is definitely a personal preference. I used to be a I just hope to catch something guy. Then I started going for lakers in the Spring at the Quabbin but the bass have finally won me over I don't care to catch trout or salmon anymore. There are a lot of techniques specifically for bass fishing and I'm trying to learn more. I don't think somebody loves fishing more just because he likes to catch variety.

Posted Wed May 15, 2013 9:53 am


I agree that it sucks when your favorite spot gets overrun. I think some spots can be disclosed freely because they are already well known or they provide some sort of impediment (e.g. a long walk or portage, limited parking) that limits their appeal for most anglers.

I also think more MAFF guys should try to move beyond the bass and start fishing for other species and using different techniques. There are so many places and ways to go fishing. I really admire guys like Mark (deaffisherman) because he simply loves to catch fish, all kinds of fish, using all kinds of methods.

I agree credit is due to those who pursue all kinds of species in different BOW. I would love to go fly-fishing at some beautiful stream/river or go after some massive pike etc, but the passion for bass angling is just to high for me to wanna start catching other species and i surely know im not the only one. Now that doesn't mean im never gonna go after other species, but there just on the back burner. Just something about those largemouth just keep me going back every time. Maybe it's the feeling of accomplishment when you go out and end up finishing the day with a 20lb + bag.
Or maybe it's the simple thrill of watching a frog get annihilated by a massive bucketmouth in the heaviest slop imaginable or pitching your confidence bait to that ever-so-perfect piece of cover and slamming some quality fish. Maybe it's all the different, exciting, challenging ways to adapt an catch bass on any given day with any conditions. Or maybe it's just the simple fact of being out in the middle of nowhere, with no one around, Just you and the pond with no one to bother you and all the unpressurized bass fishing you want. I personally could go over a bazillion reasons why i love bass fishing just as bob could tell you how he loves trout and how george loves rollerblading and franks passion for stamp collecting (LOL just using random names) If i had the ability to travel though you better believe I'd be all over the place chasing down all sorts of species from around the world!

Also i already have so much damn bass fishing equipment so at this rate looks like im sentenced to life with the bass Very Happy

The only thing that really matters in the long run is were all having fun and doing what we love to do.

Posted Wed May 15, 2013 12:41 pm

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