So I've been putting it off for awhile mainly due to the fact i don't wanna be chucking around some big goofy umbrella rig and i didn't have the equipment to throw one. Not anymore though i finally said screw it and im going to be purchasing one next week or so. I figure I'd give it a go since i know it catches quantity and quality fish, sometimes at the same time! Also i never seen anyone hurling one out at my local waters so it will be something new to the fish.
Im not sure how many MAFFers have experience with them, but what better place to start to ask.
Anyways I plan on purchasing the Yumbrella flash mob. Not sure about baits though?? I need some blueback herring/alewife imitators and was planing on getting perch or sunfish just not exactly sure which or the last two. I have some decent spending bucks but surely cant be buying baits costing 20-30$ per swimbait. Any advice on some quality baits without drying up my funds?
So i know how to set it up im just not entirely sure which baits i should be putting hooks on since MASS has only allows two hooks on a lure? I don't wana be getting strikes on the baits with no hooks!
I know the last one in the school gets hit and i plan on making that one special either by red coloring or upsizing. What about the others though?
Probably the more important questions i got. The rest i"ll have to figure out by myself. Again i never see anyone throwing one so i honestly don't know if anyone on MAFF will have any answers. As always though i appreciate any answers regarding my post or anything relevant to it