does anyone know of any spots in or near worcester (within a half hour drive) where i have a possibility of hooking into a big cat or atleast a decent size one? ive been searching and scouring the web without much luck, heres what i have so far : dnr survey shows that indian lake houses channel cats BUT this survey was conducted in 98 and ive never heard of anyone actually catching one from there, if they are there im sure i know where to look but can anyone confirm the possibility of this being true? also a couple sites said that quinsig has a decent big cat population but again the dnr survey states that it houses "bullheads" which as we know the state record is only 6lbs or something so thats much smaller than what im looking for, im not looking to hook into a mekong giant lol but something in the teens or more would be lovely. i know conn river is the spot to be but i really dont wanna go that far to try for a fish that i generally dont ever fish for. i have a new rod setup with an old penn jigmaster 500i that im dying to drag up something big with and although i plan on deadsticking suckers for pike with it and possibly use it for trolling too the first fish that came to mind when looking at this gargantuan rod and reel combo was big cat fish lol. any help is greatly appreciated. i can figure out how and when to hook one i just dont know where thats reasonably close to home

Posted Tue Apr 02, 2013 6:56 pm

Question always comes up and I always tell my story of bell pond in high school walking the shoreline and seeing a catfish prob 5 feet long if you ever want to give it a try let me know me and my buddy would be down to go. More poles in the water we have a better chance.

Posted Tue Apr 02, 2013 7:12 pm


Question always comes up and I always tell my story of bell pond in high school walking the shoreline and seeing a catfish prob 5 feet long if you ever want to give it a try let me know me and my buddy would be down to go. More poles in the water we have a better chance.

Cool that would be sweet! Now is this the bell pond at the top of belmont behind the hi rise? I've always wondered what would be living in there and a lot of people drown in there over the years so maybe a river monsters episode in the making? Lol. I wonder what kind of cat u saw, if it was a channel then I've read spring and fall are the best times to fish for them. Id like to order some pig intestines from my old job and get em nice n ripe in preparation lol. I'm down whenever, take a folding chair toss out some stink baits and sit on the sand before it gets to be swimming season

Last edited by bassinbrooksy on Tue Apr 02, 2013 7:59 pm; edited 1 time in total

Posted Tue Apr 02, 2013 7:28 pm

So I just talked to my boss about bell pond and ge told me a few things that shocked me first being that apparently they stock the s*** out of bell pond every year with big rainbows over a foot so this would mean that your giant bell catfish could be conceivable given that there is apparently a food source to support such a beast and the second thing he told me as sad as it is this was not as shoking to me as the stocked trout he said 35 years ago his brother reeled in a dead baby wrapped in newspaper ... I am shocked as to why a dumpy swimhole would get stocked with trout lol. Now I really wanna go and try for your monster catfish bad!

Posted Tue Apr 02, 2013 7:56 pm

Yea we use to trout fish there in high school. Day they stock it half the fish are takin out from local bucket gangs. Def a bad area now which is why I stay away but with a group I'd be good to go. How free are you on Tuesday and sat nights. Pretty busy till last week in April with military stuff and getting out for Sunday at the res for opening weekend. Are you planning on openi g weekend at the res with Muskie?

Posted Tue Apr 02, 2013 8:27 pm


Yea we use to trout fish there in high school. Day they stock it half the fish are takin out from local bucket gangs. Def a bad area now which is why I stay away but with a group I'd be good to go. How free are you on Tuesday and sat nights. Pretty busy till last week in April with military stuff and getting out for Sunday at the res for opening weekend. Are you planning on openi g weekend at the res with Muskie?

Well mon threw Friday I work til 1130 and although I do fish after work constantly I'm not sure id go to that place after midnight lol. Weekends as long as my old lady don't have plans already I'm for opening day I plan on goin with muskie whether he likes it or not lol I'm the lois to his clark lol as in ill be the schmuck carrying his gear so he can hobble his gimpy ass to a spot Smile

Posted Tue Apr 02, 2013 8:42 pm

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