so im bored at work waiting a half hour for the clock to run down and punch out to go home and i decided to type to kill the bordem. do you remember exactly when and what got you into fishing? i dont mean when or why you started but what really lit the fire under your a$$ and got you passionate about catching fish? ill try to keep this as short and readable as possible cause i could wright a book lol. i grew up 5 minutes from indian lake (i now live on the lake) and when i was young maybe first grade or so my friends and i would walk down to the lake to fish, nothing serious we would dig up worms and catch kivers and crappie and i cought like 2 bass. as i grew up around age 11 i devoted every waking minute to riding bmx up until my 2 year old was born in 2011 and i shyed away from hurling myself nuts first down handrails every day to be a responsible parent lol. a few years back we (my family) took a summer vacation to my old ladys parents house up in mt vernon maine, beuatiful area btw but very rustic and almost no civilization for about an hours drive but plenty of great fishing lakes nearby. i remember her uncle randy telling me to come out with him in his boat at his place (uncle randy has money as well as a beautiful private summer home on a HUGE body of freshwater) so i say yeah sure i guess. we go out pretty far and around some big island the likes of which is surrounded by weeds,laydowns and stumps. we stop in a spot and he picks up his rod (fishing rod you perverts) and starts casting, i ask him what are you trying to catch? he says look down right now! just then i look at a monstrous fish rivaling JAWS in stature and ferocity (not really but at the time it seemed that big) swimming a foot under the boat. jesus f*cking christ what the hell is that thing i asked! thats a northern pike. a what? a pike, its almost like a freshwater baracudda and you should see the teeth on em. so i ask how deep the water is and he says about 40 feet and knowing what you just saw is swimming around underneath us im not jumping in to save you if you fall in. jesus i thought, what a large crazy animal (uncle randy was a bit crazy but i was thinking about the pike at the time). fast forward a few months and all i can talk about is how i cant wait to go back the following year and try and catch one of these freakishly large underwater behemoths called northern pike! so i spoke and my old lady listened buying me a cheap shakespeare tiger spinning combo and stocked tackle box for fathers day. so we go back the next summer fishing gear in hand ready to slay the mythical dragon/unicorn hybrid known as a pike, unfortunately no uncle randy that year and without $150 boat rental fee i had no access to this great spot Sad but hey its maine and there are plenty of awsome spots nearby so ill try someplace else. that summer was when i cought not only my first smallie but my first 5 smallies the biggest weighing about 2 lbs. but no pike Sad fast forward yet again and i still have never landed a pike! seen plenty of em in the 30 inch range in under a foot of water at my local spot and even hooked into one once but he broke off (note to self: start setting drag properly from now on) so anyways ive been madly obsessed with fishing ever since and self tought how to catch plenty of larrys which is my favorite fish to catch, just something about fishing in a swampy swill hole and cathcing big mouthed fish with a nasty temperment that gets the blood boiling. ive been so obsessed that there have been one or 2 heated convos with the wifey about how maybe i should have knocked up a fish then i could have my cake and eat it to, i of course made matters worse with my sarcastic a***** sense of humor by telling her its her fault for buying me a new rod and fully stocked tackle box to get started with,needles to say i ended up sleeping on the couch and felt like an a***** . but to this day have still never cought and held this magical creature known as esox lucious that started my crazy obsession with all things fish related.... hopefully change that situation soon.

Posted Mon Jan 28, 2013 11:24 pm

My father is solely responsible for my addiction to fishing. For many years before his passing, he was addicted to numerous drugs and drank more than the fish we caught.

One of the things we'd do is go fishing. I learned to cherish this time because he was sober for most of it. We'd get up at dawn and fish all day. It wasn't till later in the day that his demons would get a hold of him. Whenever he'd mention fishing, it was like a breath of fresh air.

Later in my life, when my dad went sober, we'd spend hours fishing and talking out of my boat. I'd still get the same feeling as I did when I was a kid.

That's why I'm obsessed with fishing. Every time I get out, it reminds me of him.

Miss you pops.

Posted Thu Jan 31, 2013 1:14 pm

great story, sorry bout your old man though Sad my dads first love was also alcohol, as well as his second love and his third was gambling, i think i ranked somewhere around 5 or 6... he had no part of my life and i was raised by my grandmother in a house full of women lol so i started on my own just to get outta the house when i was little im a totally self motivated fisherman.

Posted Thu Jan 31, 2013 2:30 pm

love of beeing outside, alone, adventure, battle of elements,
twinkering on a boat, doing what the creator intended me to do instead of typing on a keyboard all day

but most of all - some gd time for myself - i mean i love the wife and kids but ... cold beer, fat dooube, a good buddy to have a laugh with and a bucket of shiners on sunrise Cool thats my mancave right there

Posted Thu Jan 31, 2013 3:21 pm

Well for me it when i was probably 6-7 years old. My dad introduced my two brothers and i to freshwater fishing. He took us shore fishing and in the following months after we started my dad bought a coleman crawdad. We would regular fishing Lake hiawatha in bellingham. My two brothers and i liked fishing to different extents. My middle-age brother enjoyed it the most at the time. He would always go fishing with his friends on a paddleboat. My oldest brother never cared too much about fishing, but he would still go out now and again. Me on the other hand loved catching the fish, but never had patience to wait to catch them lol. So i would get all fussy when i wasn't catching fish and my bro and dad were. Regardless i still liked fishing, but other hobby's took over like bmx, dirtbiking yada yada..... So let's jump ahead to early summer 2010, I have no fishing rod and had little to no tackle left. One random day i craved to go fishing an wanted to give it another go after years and years of not going and was conveniently out so i picked up a quick cheap combo and some lures and out i went. Got dropped off at a local pond an threw on a 1/8oz mini chatterbait in white, Threw a couple cast and BAM hooked a nice chunk around 3lbs. I was wicked excited because that 3lb seemed way bigger back then! That day kept me fishing, but what really exploded my mine was catching my first SLOB. It was a couple of weeks after picking up fishing again and my buddy and i went shore fishing at little sandy pond. Was there only a 1/2 hour or so and BAAMMMM hooked into the biggest bass i've ever seen in person (besides my dad's PB at Lake hiawatha) at the time. Not sure what she weighted, but was she was a hog! Ever since then i've been hooked into everything about bass fishing ESPECIALLY TROPHY BASS!!!!

BTW brooksy thats sweet you rode bmx, i dedicated a good chunk of my life riding bikes. Got pretty good street riding and trails.. just lacked in vert. I never could clean flat-ground 360 but, always came super close..they were kinda sloppy. I could(and still can) manual allll dayyyy though.

Posted Thu Jan 31, 2013 3:47 pm

great stories guys im glad this thread started getting some posts finally, its a great way to get some insight about the people on this site. fishing is also my man cave lol, i was always playing with my gi joes and a cobra inflatable raft in a stream near my house when i was little and used to catch frogs and water bugs n s*** so ive always been very outdoorsy. @ lunker your the second guy on here that ive talked to that rides/rode bmx lol. its always nice to talk with a fellow shredder! never one to pass up some shameless self promotion (even though i really dont get out and ride anymore) heres my youtube channel for anyone interested in watching me bust my ass lol.
and heres a great vid of me that is on my friends channel, for those of you that have never rode bmx than you probably dont know what your shin bone looks like lol. well here you go Wink
enjoy and lets keep the stories coming and keep this thread alive. nice to know you guys a little better

Posted Thu Jan 31, 2013 7:08 pm

My mom took me to the marshfield rod and gun club kids fishing derby when I was 3.
I won the derby my first time out.
I've been fishin for 20 years!

Thanks mom! You created a fishing monsters! Laughing

Posted Fri Feb 01, 2013 10:15 am

Thats some good stuff brooksy! An those are some sweet airsoft vids!! Me and my friends always wanted to play in a cqc facility like that. Must be awesome!!

Sorry for the derailment but, what kind of bikes did you ride back in the day??

I've had DK, Fit, Specialized, Verde

Never built a custom frame up. The closest I've came was redoing my old DK eight pack years and years ago when i started.

Was a good for a entry level bike besides the massive sprocket... =

My favorite bike though was a Verde vex complete..I loved that bike besides the plastic seat lol but seats on a bmx bike is useless weight.

She was still a virgin in that pic back in her prime. I put the least amount of money into that bike besides handlebars and the back rim and stupid stuff like grips and tires.

Riding bmx is awesome but it sure takes it's toll when the bails get bigger.

Posted Fri Feb 01, 2013 2:41 pm

Sure would love to hear from the rest of the maffers what they have to share. I know they've been topics like this one, but what REALLY got you into fishing. That moment when it just clicked into your brain that your wired2fish!

Posted Fri Feb 01, 2013 2:50 pm

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