Hey All-

Ramshorn is a smaller pond in Sutton that is private to lake residents apparently. However I have a family friend that lives on the pond so we are going to hit it up Sunday morning. Has anyone ever fished here and has some intel on the area or locations?

Posted Wed Sep 12, 2012 2:12 pm

I know the pond... and live only 20 min from it.
A friend once lived on Dolan Rd, however, I never fished the water.

Not sure in your Title if you meant Ramshorn or Singletary?

I think you may mean Singletary Lake as it is closer to Sutton than the Ramshorn Pond tha sits just West of it and Parallel. Ramshorn is closer to Auburn, MA... at least that what the map shows.. Smile

Or then you may have meant Ramshorn and confused the location as in Sutton? Heck... now I have myself all confused... Confused


Posted Wed Sep 12, 2012 2:22 pm

Yeah its certainly Ramshorn, but that is the only town name I recognized on the map haha.

Posted Wed Sep 12, 2012 2:49 pm


Yeah its certainly Ramshorn, but that is the only town name I recognized on the map haha.

I like your thinking Powndtown.. confuse em so they can't find your honey holes.. Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy ...


Posted Wed Sep 12, 2012 3:03 pm

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