My friend aem who I met on this site text me and says he has a couple of hours to kill would I like to hit the Sud res?Hmmm mow lawn or fish I pick fish.So first couple of casts I'm reeling in my Senko shootin the breeze with aem and I notice right before I pick my senko out of water big O'l Larry had followed it in.Saw where he peeled off and cast right were I thought he would be.Bam!Fish on 3lber.Moved around a bit aem caught a couple of decent ones moved again and cast out felt small tick on my line on the fall thought fish dropped it reeled a bit felt fish on crossed its eyes fight on nice battle head shake on top of water but didn't really get a good look til right next to shore knew she was nice cause hell of a fight like reeling in a cinder block solid 5lber two last minute decisions to fish two nights of 3 and 5lbers big ones are moving in and getting ready to put there feed bags on! Thanks again aem I would be one 5 n 3lber less without yer text!!!!

Posted Fri Aug 24, 2012 8:05 pm

Fishing is always the right decision haha. Sounds like it was a great trip out.

Posted Fri Aug 24, 2012 8:23 pm

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