5th post down.....??????? 8:pm post????????
guess i should stay on the site all day, my fault for trusting....
saw the 7:pm posting at 8pm and neglected to get involved..... nice! i left a fishing club because they did not follow the rules, live and learn, if someone could call my 11 year old son and explain this to him? did i miss something????? if i did sorry for this post, scott...

Posted Mon May 07, 2012 8:48 am

wow, sorry you feel that way man, there is a time difference on the site , has been since day one. don't know why, if you look it is one hour behind.
Chuck posted at 8:00 just like I asked him to.
if you want to be listed as an alternate we will do that.
this post will say 9:06 but it is 10:06
sorry man

Posted Mon May 07, 2012 9:07 am

5th post down.....??????? 8:pm post????????
guess i should stay on the site all day, my fault for trusting....
saw the 7:pm posting at 8pm and neglected to get involved..... nice! i left a fishing club because they did not follow the rules, live and learn, if someone could call my 11 year old son and explain this to him? did i miss something????? if i did sorry for this post, scott...

Posted Mon May 07, 2012 10:25 am

sorry , in over a year i did not notice that time thing at the bottom right , funny( gmt) you think a new england tourny site would be more correct.. my bad...........

Posted Mon May 07, 2012 11:28 am

Looks like YOU have some explaining to do to your 11 year old Sad

Posted Mon May 07, 2012 11:49 am

This isn't to be a s*** stirrer or trying to pick a fight, but it's kinda just common sense.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't 8 o'clock still 8 o'clock on your watch, cell phone, wall clock, desk clock, car clock, etc? Why would you go by anything other than real time? We aren't in different time zones in the state. If it said Great Britain time, would you try to figure what time it was in Great Britain? My point is who cares what time it says, it is whatever time it is.

When it's 8:00pm est on your own clock, regardless of what the time says on the site clock, you log on and sign up. It hasn't been an issue in past that I remember seeing, at least anytime during the last 3 years I've been a member!

Was it posted by using the site clock and therefore posted an hour early (Johnny said no)? If not, that's your own fault and you just have to pay closer attention. Nobody is going to die over it and there are greater tragedies in the world. I gotta ask though, how many tourneys have you participated in before? If any, was it a problem then when you signed up? What time did you sign up at then? If none so far and you're trying to get in for your first, then it's a lesson learned and we have 17 more tourneys scheduled. This site has become more and more popular and therefore there is a lot of interest in it, with quick filling sign-ups! That's just the way it is. When it's getting close to 8:00pm est, you gotta be near an internet connection somewhere and sign up when it's officially posted. Don't miss the sign-up because you weren't paying attention and then throw a small temper tantrum. I see you said "My bad" and it was, plain and simple man.

I love that you want to take your 11 year old too! We have a few teams that do that on a regular basis. Just yesterday "Fishingreek" took his daughter to a car topper tourney and she caught her 1st bass. That is simply outstanding! I took my 17 year old last week to his first and he had a great time, despite not catching bass. We have many father/son teams as regulars each week. This is a great sport and a great group of guys that simply keep it simple. If it ever changed to something else, I'd leave it as fast as I joined it!

Posted Mon May 07, 2012 12:01 pm

please let me explain what happened; my son signed on at 8:15 and i asked him how many people signed up, and he said they posted it at 7:01, but there is still time to get in, i told my son to forget it, they where suppose to post it at 8:00, he asked me why they would do that, i told him i did not think it was fair, now with that said: i would of never thought in a million years that a web page that says ma fish finder, and all of the tournys are in mass, and most of the members are in mass, and so on ,you get the idea THAT IT WOULD BE COMMON SENSE, that the time would be eastern, , it is my fault that i did not read the gmt time stamp, and very wrongly came to the conclusion that someone posted the tourny early, but when my son saw that the time was 8:15, and he told me that it was posted at 7:01, well you get the idea, i know it was the correct time for the posting, and my son was on time for the sign up, i,m the idiot for assuming that a massachusettes fishing club would of been eastern time, now you can see where i went wrong, sorry......sorry.....
ps. are the tourny start times GMT or eastern? lol......scott Wink

Posted Mon May 07, 2012 12:34 pm

it's all good Scott, sorry for the confusion as well.
the guy that actually owns and runs the site is in ct. so i don't know why it's that way.
you don't fish with Ed anymore huh, you quit happy hookers i see.
Ed will be at whitehall as well.
I'll have chuck add you guys to the list, you never know with mothers day how many have to back out, lol

Posted Mon May 07, 2012 12:37 pm

thanks so much, eddy cheats!lol....only kidding........

i have no idea why he wants to fish with his son? its like there related or something.... and kyle cheats also, i taught eddy everything he knows about fishing, hunting ect.... you think he would want to fish with me,,, snifff, sniff. but noooooo, eddy i have that price on your bathroom remodel you asked for, you sittin down!!!lol... again sorry everyone, bad day.... scott.

Posted Mon May 07, 2012 1:29 pm

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