Let's share some soup here. I have soup for you and I hope you can give soup to everyone else.

This morning I left my house before 5 hitting CT river Northfield ramp. There is no way you can even launch a kayak. Pure soft wet mud, nothing more nothing less. OK, I moved to Barton Cove, it is locked up--no access! I guess it relates to water level as well. I was almost stucked in mud hole last year too.

OK, what's the game plan? I used my iPhone to search lakes with smallmouth bass. Otis Res--I always want to go to that place but I was afraid of the long distance. It is about 70 miles away from Barton Cove. I went there and sadly to see there is no freaking way I can unload a 18 foot bass boat!!! Some people managed to launch jon boat there but you need a oar or push pole to get out the ramp area. A nice man told me I could try Goose pond in Lee. OK, I went there too. Nope, no way jose! There is about 1 feet of water in lauching area.

All in all, it ruined the whole day hitting four places. Running back and force wasting 300 miles--sucks!

We had a nice winter but it is bad for fishing this year. We don't gain something for nothing. I guess some tournaments might be cancled due to water level. The lake with no inflow will not recover unless there is a rain season. Sadly, it will only getting worse as we move into summer time.

I saw major low water level in lakes, rivers, creeks on my way home. So, please share boat ramp info and save everyone's time and money.

Here is my input:

CT river (Barton Cove/Northfield) is dead. I think it is done for this year if we don't have major rain storms.

Otis Res is OK for small and light jon boat. No way, I mean no way for your fiber glass bass boat.

Goose Pond (Lee), small cartop is fine. Use push pole to get out the ramp area. Bass boat? Haha, you will see a maze of big rocks in one foot of water, will you even want try?

Hope this helps everyone. Please reply with mor boat ramp info.

Thanks and Regards.

Posted Mon Apr 16, 2012 6:50 pm

Willy you're right! While we had an excellent winter, for those of us who absolutely HATE snow and ice (sorry to the ice fisherman here too!), there flip side is lower water levels this year. I don't know how many tourneys will be cancelled, but we always figure things out. This is a pretty resourceful and knowledgeable group of guys!

Posted Mon Apr 16, 2012 7:00 pm

i highly doubt tournys will be cancelled due to water level, us maff guys will find a solution.

on a side note to your problem with traveling so far, why dont you try going for largemouth instead of chasing around for good smallmouth spots. there are plenty of good bodys of water with good fish and no launching problems. i mean dont get me wrong smallmouth are great but its not worth driving 300 miles and a half day! you could have went to maine for christ sake!

Posted Mon Apr 16, 2012 10:46 pm

I was at the Northfield Launch just this past Sunday(I hit a dozen other spots too) & here's another reason for The CT River being so low, BESIDES the strange Winter...on weekends all Spring and Summer The "Power-plants" dam up the water/s for the whole "weekend/s" because the demand for electricity is much much lower when all the "mills" are closed(they're storing potential energy for when demand peaks during the work week)They ALSO do this for safety because of tourism---keeps persona injury cases DOWN(CYA commonwealth style)
. . .when crossing up the effects of a rare(snowless winter) with the practices of "conservation" we come up with VERY VERY low levels in The Ct & The Deerfield rivers(and others). . .all in all it DID allow me to get a good look at the bottom of the ramp...yea it's got a ton of silt...but for our boating buddies silt is better than rock/s ANYDAY...agreed?I've been out in that area roughly 2,000 times in my life and have NEVER seen the river that low. . .nor have I ever seen ZERO SNOW on February 15th-when we we're there then the only real visible snow was prepared on slopes by machine(quite stunning)
-------I would imagine lower water levels like these give the fish less places to hide from us and should effect boating much more than fishing...as far as kayaks launching out of Northfield...it's still very much possible since I got this info from some dudes who were "dropping in" right there...yea...I'll talk to the devil himself for keen & insightful fishing information---hell I chat with most of you don't I? hahahahaha----There should be some nice soaking rains coming soon and levels should return to somewhat NORMAL

Posted Tue Apr 17, 2012 5:13 am

Fished Webster on Saturday with no issues at the ramp other than it's usual state of disrepair. There is a pretty good drop at the transition from cement to gravel. Hit Quinsig yesterday and no issues at the Shrewsbury ramp. Neither are known for SMB's but wanted to pass along the info.

- Tate

Posted Tue Apr 17, 2012 10:45 am


Fished Webster on Saturday with no issues at the ramp other than it's usual state of disrepair. There is a pretty good drop at the transition from cement to gravel. Hit Quinsig yesterday and no issues at the Shrewsbury ramp. Neither are known for SMB's but wanted to pass along the info.

- Tate

Thanks. Both lake mentioned above have smallies. There was a pro tourny few years ago, I saw a guy with ad shirt had 5 smallie weighted 2-3 pound each at webster. I personally caught them here and there in Webster, nothing to brag about it. Webster is my lake too except summer time can be real tough with all the recreational boats.

Posted Tue Apr 17, 2012 11:01 am

Supposed to get a good dose of rain this wknd Exclamation

Posted Tue Apr 17, 2012 5:31 pm

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