Looking for a place to set traps in Essex county. Any info would be great.
Also does anyone know of when is the best time to catch them?

Posted Wed Apr 10, 2013 2:00 pm


Looking for a place to set traps in Essex county. Any info would be great.
Also does anyone know of when is the best time to catch them?

From Mass Wildlife site:


(a) fishing in the Merrimack River in the area downstream from the Essex Dam to the Boston and Maine Railroad Bridge;

(b) fishing in the canal systems in the Cities of Lawrence and Lowell during the month of April;

(c) taking fish in the inland waters of Massachusetts by snagging;

(d) taking fish in the inland waters of Massachusetts by poison, explosive, float or toggle;

(e) taking fish in the inland waters of Massachusetts by any means other than by angling, except that eels, carp, and suckers may be taken by spears or archery, and that eels may be taken in pots by licensed commercial fishermen under permit;

You'll need a permit. Eel fishing is no joke, two guys from Maine just got thrown in jail in NJ for illegal eel fishing.

Posted Wed Apr 10, 2013 2:24 pm

Got the commercial licence for stripped bass and eels.
Considering the prohibited part on MA wildlife site this is the time to dump my pots.
I got a spot on the north shore that worked the year before last but was unproductive2012.

Posted Wed Apr 10, 2013 6:03 pm

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