Anyone else notice the super low water levels in lakes, ponds, etc?

I usually fish the Sudbury Reservoir and took a strole around it over the weekend and it's like being on another planet right now. The water level has dropped 5-10 feet in some spots and you can walk out a good 20-30 feet further around the shore line. There are actually land bridges now where there has always been nothing but water. There are just little pools of water in some spots. The area behind me in profile pic is almost completely dry. And we haven’t even hit the actual warm months yet. It's scary and sad to think what it will look like come the summer.

It was great having the snowless dry warm winter/early spring, but man... do you think we're headed for a possible drought this year? If we don't get some decent rain soon could this hurt fishing this year?

Last edited by taez555 on Mon Apr 02, 2012 10:01 am; edited 1 time in total

Posted Mon Apr 02, 2012 7:13 am

I think your right. If it doesn't rain soon and a lot these fish will be in trouble. My favorite pond is really low.

Posted Mon Apr 02, 2012 7:20 am

I fished the South Watuppa yesterday, my home lake, really havent fished it thouroghly in about 10 yrs, anyway the water has got to be down at least 5 feet from what I remember it to be, all, and I do mean all the cover which was on the shore line, was just that ON THE SHORE meaning on dry land! was very easy to see why so many people over the years smashed props, ripped lower ends off etc, I know the place really well and was still amazed at the amount of hazzards that were visible

Posted Mon Apr 02, 2012 9:48 am

Fished Barehill and the water was super low. Lots of rocks. There were a lot of hits with only one giant pic.

Posted Mon Apr 02, 2012 11:47 am

Yeah, the water should be at the top of the bank this time of the year. We usually get a solid week of rain sometime in May/June, but with this weather pattern who knows Question If it doesn't happen we are going to be in for some tough conditions this summer Exclamation

Posted Mon Apr 02, 2012 4:37 pm

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