It is funny how , when you least expect anything to happen...something usually does. Sometimes it is good, sometimes it is horrible but it is almost always interesting.

Yesterday for example, it was cold. Frank and I were fishing and it was the kind of day where you don't really expect to see anyone else. Between the cold, the work week and the fact that we were fishing somewhat off the beaten can imagine our surprise when a cute girl comes walking through the woods over to us. I'm thinking..ok Christmas wish one finally coming true...

Turns out she is a reporter for the Milford Daily News doing a story on the eagle. Neat. So sure she spelled my name wrong, and said we were fishing the canal not the river ya go.

Seemed like a good time to start a post and get some odd or unexpected happenings stories from others as lets here all those odd moments ya have out there on the banks!

Posted Fri Jan 06, 2012 8:43 am

We saw the eagle on both Saturday and on Sunday after we left. When we left Sunday we ended up trying the spot in Riverdale by the factory. It looked good and we saw a few big fish rolling on the surface but they would not eat anything. Sean traveled way out west this morning and so far as already scored his first pike of the season through the ice. I'm stuck in Boston behind my desk. I might try for carp again this weekend. I got a new rod and reel I want to break in.

Posted Fri Jan 06, 2012 9:04 am

I thought that was gonna turn into a penthouse forum letter there for a minute!

No but seriously. I was in the woods a couple of days ago with my dog just taking a hike and getting her some excercise. We ran around for about an hour until it started to get dark. I was kind of pooped from going up and downs hills, so I sat down at a tree for a minute. Next thing I know, I hear something moving in the tree above me. I look up and see an owl that had to be a foot and a half tall just staring at me and Penny. It kind of scared the s*** out of me to be honest. I didn't realize it until I got back to the truck that I was wearing a bomber hat that had fur on it. That thing was probably thinking about scalping me!

Posted Fri Jan 06, 2012 9:06 am

Awesome...I'm fishing this weekend and there is plenty of room so lemme know. Will only be me so you guys are defo welcome to hang out and hopefully we can bag some big ones!

I thought that was gonna turn into a penthouse forum letter there for a minute!

No but seriously. I was in the woods a couple of days ago with my dog just taking a hike and getting her some excercise. We ran around for about an hour until it started to get dark. I was kind of pooped from going up and downs hills, so I sat down at a tree for a minute. Next thing I know, I hear something moving in the tree above me. I look up and see an owl that had to be a foot and a half tall just staring at me and Penny. It kind of scared the s*** out of me to be honest. I didn't realize it until I got back to the truck that I was wearing a bomber hat that had fur on it. That thing was probably thinking about scalping me!

Haha so did I...

That is really funny. Frank and I were just talking about some show he watched about Eagles attacking people in Maine. Maybe you should stick to orange fur then it offers protection from hunters and birds of prey Razz

Last edited by blackstonecarp on Fri Jan 06, 2012 9:13 am; edited 1 time in total

Posted Fri Jan 06, 2012 9:07 am


Awesome...I'm fishing this weekend and there is plenty of room so lemme know. Will only be me so you guys are defo welcome to hang out and hopefully we can bag some big ones!

Well it will only be me. Sean is tied up with work and other stuff. I might stop down on Saturday or Sunday morning.

Posted Fri Jan 06, 2012 9:11 am

I made the mistake of taking the "short cut" to get to a pond in the Middlesex Fells, in the Sheepfold area...If you know about that area, you can probably figure out where this story is going...

Posted Sun Jan 08, 2012 8:15 am

C'mon Man!...Ya can't just put it out there like that! hahahahah...The folks at the Nosey-News Times GOTTA KNOW...I'm guessing the scene is less than "Outdoorsman"? It's not like you can be politically incorrect by outting a buncha pigs who don't even fish(enjoy the outdoors)...out with it Ted...Short of Mr Burns from The Simpsons NOTHING surprises my anymore...of course if you seen a 3 eyed fish down there I REALLY WANNA KNOW ....


I made the mistake of taking the "short cut" to get to a pond in the Middlesex Fells, in the Sheepfold area...If you know about that area, you can probably figure out where this story is going...

Posted Sun Jan 08, 2012 8:25 am

Dave, don't make him relive it. Things that have been seen, cannot be unseen. Best to stay away from sheepfold.

Posted Sun Jan 08, 2012 12:34 pm 'a those..."The things you see when you don't have a fire-arm" I see --Well...I DON'T see...and thats probably for the best for EVERYONE ! hahahah...Good Lookin' Out K-Man...and this advice comes from a guy who was once approached by the 'HALLELUAH SQUAD'---so I'm figurin' fishin ain't the ONLY thang goin' on down there...hey Ted...ya goin' back next weekend are ya ?


Dave, don't make him relive it. Things that have been seen, cannot be unseen. Best to stay away from sheepfold.

Posted Sun Jan 08, 2012 12:47 pm

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