A fireman was KIA during a fire at 44 Arlington st in the fair city Worcester today.My parents lived at #55 for 12 years...ALWAYS a sad day when we lose any kind of service men/women...but there's something SERIOUSLY SPIRITUAL when a fireman dies in Worcester.LONG LIVE THE 'W6'
ya wanna hear something NUTS?...there was a fire station RIGHT BEHIND MY PARENTS HOUSE for decades/closed for ten yrs and now is ambulance ONLY for the past year or so... kinda IRONIC...no?I used that alley that ran along the fire station to get to work at the hospital/CCT for YEARS...in fact...my youngest brother witnessed a shooting in BROAD DAY LIGHT in that alley...Just an ODD pc I thought I might share with you guys...

Posted Thu Dec 08, 2011 9:54 am

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