I'm gonna get on my soap-box about this---as the oldest son of a Vietnam Veteran who passed away in 2011 I'd be a bad son if I didn't bring this up...My old man went through hell...as did many of his 'buddys'...not just in the things they lived through during wartime...but most of those vets had it hard back here too...as have many...and today we're seeing the effects of the Middle-East now too...
For any of you MAFFERZ who've gone to battle for our right to fish or what ever the hell we were wastin' time doin while you did...THANKS ALOT FELLAZ...if you know a vet on 11-11-11---thank them...buy 'em lunch! buy 'em a beer TAKE 'EM FISHIN' --what ever the hell you gotta do to show them some PROPZ! 'cause @ the end of the day,in ALOT OF WAYS we can fish...because of them

Posted Wed Nov 09, 2011 5:24 pm

Your absolutely right. Well said, we all should be very grateful of their sacrafice for us all.

Posted Wed Nov 09, 2011 6:01 pm

Semper Fi and thank you to all my brethren out there. Oorah.

Posted Thu Nov 10, 2011 11:25 am

HOOAH!! 11B Airborne..seems so very long ago now. Still have a lot of friends and family in far away places. I'll defo be thinkin about em this weekend...

Good news is I'll be spending Friday helping someone move, how's that for thanks lol! Laughing

Posted Thu Nov 10, 2011 5:28 pm

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