hey i have a few questions
i would like to know where to fish for each individual species of fish and that live in hampton ponds aswell as how to fish for each ty

Posted Sat Oct 22, 2011 2:17 pm

Haha..sorry..only a few questions...classic stuff there.

Now that I have that out of my system your best bet if your just starting out, which I am guessing you are is to start at the begining and check out a few places with some good begining or starting fishing how-to's. The great thing about life now a days is people new to anything can really get started easily.

Like this site for example has some great resources,


Hopefully that helps. Aside from that much of it is trial and error and the long process of learning what works when and how. I'm sure anyone on this board will love to help you along in your journey but I suggest taking it slow and not trying to get everything all at once. Take some time to read the great topics already posted on this forum and check out some trips to see what has been working for people in what types of waters etc. What your asking would take forever to cover as there are literally hundreds upon hundreds of methods that cover all sorts of situations, for each species, water types, weather , moon cycles, etc etc etc...

Posted Sat Oct 22, 2011 4:25 pm

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