You can, if the warden is taking things then he is not doing it legally. Here is the link for the states abstracts. There is nothing there against the use of corn or chumming. You can also call the EP at
1-800-632-8075 this will get you dispatch where you can ask the question and either they will answer of take your number and have an officer call you back.
• Explosives
• Jug, toggle or trot line fishing.
• Lead Sinkers at Quabbin and Wachusett Reservoirs: The use of lead fishing sinkers, including, but not limited to, split shot, bullet weights, egg sinkers, slip sinkers, bell sinkers, pinch sinkers, rubber grip sinkers, bank sinkers, pyramid sinkers, or twist, strap or wraparound sinkers for the taking of fish in the Quabbin and Wachusett Reservoirs is prohibited. Lead fishing sinkers DO NOT include other lead fishing-related items such as artificial lures, jigs, lead-core line, down-rigger weights, keel sinkers, torpedo casting and trolling sinkers, or weighted flies.
NOTE: Lead fishing sinkers and jigs less than 1 ounce will be prohibited in all inland waters of the Commonwealth effective January 1, 2012.
More than two hooks for fishing or more than five hooks when ice fishing. A hook is defined as an angling device attached to a fishing line which is designed to take one fish at a time but is not limited to devices commonly called spinners, spoons, bait harnesses, lead head jigs or plugs.
• Possession of: Sturgeon (all species), American Brook Lamprey, Atlantic (sea-run) Salmon, Bridle Shiner, Burbot, Eastern Silvery Minnow, Lake Chub, Longnose Sucker, and Northern Redbelly Dace is illegal! If caught, release immediately. This means remove hook or cut line and return fish to water immediately—do not pose for photographs, place on a stringer, hold in a net, or delay in any way the immediate return and release of the fish to the water.
• Poisons
• Releasing fish or spawn into inland waters, except by permit.
• Rubbish in inland waters.
• Sale of freshwater fish without a permit.
• Snagging
• Transporting live fish (except bait for personal use) without a permit.
If there is an EP taking gear there based on the use of corn then it should be addressed because there is no law in MA about using corn. It is a rumor that needs to stop. The ONLY exception to this is certain catch and release only stretchs of rivers that may be designated as "artificial lures only" Obviously corn is not artificial and therefore would be against the rule.
Artificial lures only. No bait in possession.
• Housatonic River: From the Rte. 20 bridge in Lee downstream to Willow Mill Dam AND from Glendale Dam downstream to the RR bridge. No fishing from June 15—Aug. 31 inclusive within 100 feet of the mouths of posted tributaries: Beartown Brook; Goose Pond Brook; Hop Brook; and Mohawk Brook.
• Red Brook: From the outlet of White Island Pond to the inlet of Buttermilk Bay.
• Nissitissit River: From the New Hampshire border to the Prescott St. Bridge. FLY FISHING ONLY.
• Swift River: Winsor Dam to Rte. 9, catch-and-release FLY FISHING ONLY (year around); Rte. 9 to Cady Lane, catch-and-release July 1–Dec. 31 (artificials only).
• Deerfield River: Fife Brook Dam to Hoosac Tunnel, and the section extending from Pelham Brook to the Mohawk Campground.
• Westfield River, East Branch: Immediately below the Chesterfield Gorge parking lot in Chesterfield to the gate north of the Corps of Engineers parking lot at Knightville in Huntington.
• Millers River: Templeton/Athol RR bridge to dam in Athol and from Wendell Rd. bridge in Orange to the breached dam in Erving center.
• Quashnet River: From the outlet of John’s Pond to the sign 0.1 mile below Rte. 28
If it comes to it I may have to start fishing there..because I would love to see an officer try to take my gear without legal backing. Are you sure it was an Environmental Police Officer? Was he uniformed, carrying a weapon etc...there have been instances of locals trying to bully strangers who fish their ponds/lakes. If I were you I would call their dispatch and find out for yourself. If anyone ever gives you issue, make sure to get badge number, name etc, and I would call the dispatch while the officer was there, before he took anything. In fact I would also keep the number for the local police on hand just in case...
As a point of reference the below is from the Rhode Island abstracts, one of only 2 states to ban corn in trout waters...but it is clearly written.
1. Fishing in any freshwater stream or pond within this state without
a valid fi shing license (except as noted on page 5).
2. Fishing in any stream, designated trout stream or designated trout
pond of the state, unless otherwise regulated, between 1 March
2011 and 6 AM 9 April 2011.
3. Possessing trout, salmon, or charr during the seasonal closure.
4. Using corn for bait in any trout waters.
5. Chumming in any trout waters.
6. Snagging fi sh in fresh waters.
7. Using any substance injurious to fi sh life in any stream or freshwater
pond within the state except by permit issued bythe DEM.
8. Detonating any explosive within any stream or freshwater pond
within the state.
9. Selling trout, largemouth or smallmouth bass, pickerel, northern pike,
Atlantic salmon, American shad, or yellow perch taken from any
freshwater stream, river, or pond within the state.
10. Stocking any freshwater stream or pond, public or private, within
the state with any species of fi sh without having fi rst obtained a
permit from the DEM. For more information, call (401) 789-0281.
11. Releasing any live bait into the freshwaters of the state.
12. The use as bait of any variety of gold fi sh Carassius auratus in the
freshwaters of the state or the importation, sale, or possession of
any variety of gold fi sh Carassius auratus for use as bait in the fresh
waters of the state.
13. Selling any live freshwater minnows for bait or possessing more than
one hundred (100) live freshwater minnows without fi rst having
procured the appropriate license from the DEM.
14. Tagging, branding, marking, or otherwise willfully mutilating any fi sh
which is to be released alive into any freshwaters of the state except
by special permit issued by the Division