The Quickest way to create ABSOLUTE CHAOS on MAFF, for sure, is to ask "Can we open the car-topper discussion" hahahahahaha HOLY s*** ---the BIG BOAT guys could care less about "the toppers"I get the feel that "toppers" are IN THE WAY...and to help make a bid for those "toppers"I say this....a few of them placed into the finals in toppers in 2011's season!
..and I consider boats like neil's(Sinista) rig and Damon's(BeaverFever) rig as "Topper" I seen both their rigs ..and I don't think a deck makes them MAGICALLY become better fisherman-some slight advantages over other topper styles?maybe...or maybe they're just that good ---ya ever think of that? God forbid "we" admit we got 'our' asses kicked by someone who just plain beat "us" on a Sunday...
In 2012 I plan to fish "TOPPER" division...Now more than ever I think if there is one FLAW to the MAFF tourneys it's the divisions get BLURRED

Posted Sat Dec 03, 2011 7:27 am

]T' show you all I'm not just being a meddlesome D***H*** about this I figure it like this...I "think' the topper division was PROBABLY created so that folks w/ less money and experience can get involved on Sundays...while it's "balls to the wall" when toppers are "allowed" to fish "BIG BOAT"days I disagree with's not like THE BIG BOYS can get their rigs to fit in the smaller places on "topper"days---NOT EXACTLY FAIR to them when ya think about it...A CLEAR DIVISIBLE between the divisions...and since some of the mafferz are going to help out next year...why not make the size divisions a LITTLE CLEARER...I didn't want the BIG BOYS pissed off thinkin' I was BIAS here...And I may have to fish against them some day hahahah...maybe ADDING a few more "topper"dates and [/b] maybe a rule like IE top 5 "toppers" get to fish the finals...?

Posted Sat Dec 03, 2011 7:53 am

I think last year was the first time there were tourney's for the toppers. Most of the big boat guys are cool with the toppers getting in the open tourney's (Easy money maybe?) but your right, a deck doesn't make one a better fisherman but it does have an advantage. Sitting all day kills your back for one. I never really looked at it like there were divisions but I guess your right.

Posted Sat Dec 03, 2011 10:57 am

The fisherman catches the fish. Not the boat.

Posted Sat Dec 03, 2011 11:53 am


The fisherman catches the fish. Not the boat.

Thank You ! but when money is involved people go looney...especially in today's economy...I had NO IDEA how expensive this hobby could be when I came back to it --admittedly I'd been away from it a long time and MAFF keeps me 'involved' even if it's from the office or my couch...As I watched the recent threads I became acutely aware of how much dough one needs to keep things going year round...tough times shouldn't require MORE MONEY SPENT---and if it's something you love as a 'hobby' then CERTAINLY NOT...I mentioned in a PM to "Smoke" recently "Had anyone ever been "allowed" to fish these MAFFERz from land?"...most tourney guys would laugh that 'suggestion' RIGHT OFF THE TABLE ...'There's no way to REALLY 'compete' I guess I'm just 'Old School" remembering when fishing was walkin to 'your' spot and casting your"i've got 12-30grand into my rig...if I lose on Sundays I'll look stupid"...I'm behind the times Vinny...thanks for chiming in on this...means alot to me

Posted Sat Dec 03, 2011 12:15 pm

drama drama

Posted Sat Dec 03, 2011 2:32 pm


drama drama

NO WAY K-MAN ! I thought you most of all might see some of my theories and your cousin are an OUTSTANDING REASON for separate divisions and regional breakdown ! I would ASSUME you two would be near the top of a 'topper' division---so that would be a GOOD THING... and from what I've seen in 'comments past' home field' isn't all it's cracked up to be although the two of you will be among those 'helpers' next year as well...these things said I COMPLETELY REALIZE I'm a 'rookie' 'non-boater' and all those other great names you 'pros' have for those of us who are 'newbies' to 'the circuit' so these are just my opinions and in NO WAY meant to randomly piss people off --- EVERYONE'S BROKE AT A DIFFERENT LEVEL is all I was sayin'...

Posted Sat Dec 03, 2011 2:56 pm

Hey Dave from Wista, it was not a shot at you, its the nature of the car topper convos. Its always drama when it comes up. Its not broke and it dont need to be fixed. They were not created to even the playing field, they were so we could compete in smaller lakes etc.

3 years of tourneys have run smooth and gone off without a hitch. Last year the car toppers were added for a bit of fun and something different. It is mostly the same guys in both tourneys.

Small boats are welcome in the big tourneys, nothing is stopping anyone from getting a bigger boat, so complaints fall on deaf ears.

I have placed many times in the big tourneys, and I had the biggest fish of the year last year, all from a Pellican. Its all good and everything is fine and smooth. If people dont want to fish with the big boats, fine, they dont have too. We have car toppers now for those that choose not to fish with the bigger boats. No complaints from me, just get me on the water and let me do my thing. If I place great, if not, I dont blame my boat. The money is short, I am more interested in getting a little respect.

The drama comes in when people want gas motors etc, its been brought up and debated so many times. Electric only for car toppers, end of story. Its simple rules and it has worked with no issues. Join us next year and have some fun, lets not over think stuff here. Lets just fish!!!!!

Posted Sat Dec 03, 2011 9:29 pm



The fisherman catches the fish. Not the boat.

Thank You ! but when money is involved people go looney...especially in today's economy...I had NO IDEA how expensive this hobby could be when I came back to it --admittedly I'd been away from it a long time and MAFF keeps me 'involved' even if it's from the office or my couch...

It's not about the money, that's just a bonus. For us limited to cartoppers, it's about going up against the big boys and showing that we can compete. I am very grateful for the opportunity to fish with and against these guys in the big boat events!

Adding the seperate cartopper division was a cool move by Smoke! I just thought though that cartopper events sould be just that, cartoppers. If its just a matter of being limited to electric only because of lake rules, than so be it and just add another "electric only" class with a length limit and drop the word "cartopper" altogether. Makes more sense to call a spade a spade. Maybe I'm splitting hairs, but that's just me. That's all I'm saying, that's my story and I'm sticking to it. Kman is right though. Overthinking it is a waste of time. Regardless of my opinion, I'm just going to fish.

Is it twisted that I'm starting to grow fond of this Emoticon?

Posted Sun Dec 04, 2011 4:05 am

(Quote)It's not about the money, that's just a bonus. For us limited to cartoppers, it's about going up against the big boys and showing that we can compete. I am very grateful for the opportunity to fish with and against these guys in the big boat events!
--Like I said...I'm a rookie(looking to suggest some solutions) for the 'hitches" I see you guys post after tourneys and now...after the season is over----I won't expect Tom Brady to take a 'mercy-pill" before BLOWIN THE COLTS UP today...that wasn't my angle ...I just felt kinda bad watchin' this dude post a question/suggestion and then having EVERYONE(no personal digs) jump on him like he just robbed a rabbi...
maybe 3 divisions is a GREAT expansion of what I was gettin' @....FULL Sized/Topper(electric or gas)/Electric Only-open to both classes(provided the big boys play "fair" & use their troller only?...Or a "lightweight"division for canoes and kayaks?...I'm not angling for a level playing field JUST BECAUSE I don't own a vessel...It's more that I thought the 'toppers' were for affordability for folks who couldn't buy BIGGER RIGS right away---I guess I was wrong(and thats ok)
I'm a statistical genius...I play w/ #'s FOR FUN the more numbers the better(I wish I were kidding about that) So I rack my brain for solutions even though I've never fished w/ you guys...I STILL like t' help out... yea..I'm a NERD-it's a REAL ISSUE hahahaha...And what ever "you" do...don't mention a charging station(you'll be an INSTANT IDIOT hahahahaha"I'd rather SINK up river than rent that back-up battery THAT'S FO' SURE hahahahaaa
and the only way that emoticon is 'twizted' is if you rigged your's t' ACTUALLY eat the horse afterwards hahahahahahah

Is it twisted that I'm starting to grow fond of this Emoticon?[/quote]

Posted Sun Dec 04, 2011 7:05 am

Hey Dave, please don't take this the wrong way because I find your comments and participation on this site great and entertaining. I'm glad you joined us earlier this year and rookie or not I value your opinions! I also hope to see you on the water this year.

With that said, I'm just confused with some comments in this thread- your trying to find solutions to what hitches?

I joined MAFF late in 2009 and all Tournaments prior to this year were open to all- looking back for all of 2010 my partner and I used a canoe and some tournaments just paddled without an electric for back up. Napa and I placed in a handful of them in 2010 and won the last one of the season. We always loved the challenge to compete against the best teams, regardless of what type of rig they ran. For instance it doesn't matter much to the landlords if they are in a 200HP bass boat or a 10ft crawdad- they are always in the running. Similarly for a lot of the great teams, like Northshore- consistent anglers and good shits too! (Not meant to leave anyone out, just too many dangerous teams!)

Smoke and Jonny tend to keep things simple and clean which is why I believe the tournaments are always successful. The cartopper division as stated by many was implemented to encourage more participation and gives us the chance to explore smaller and in some cases more remote waters. At the end of the day whoever wins that day deserves it and for the majority of us money or no money involved it's all about respect and pride. There is no rule that no person or team can't make every tournament- we just have to fish within the guidelines of the tournament.

I do have to admit- I did chuckle at the thought of a battery charging station, if that get's implemented I think the person running the station should sell beers and burgers too, you'll definately get my business for the concession and beverages.

Posted Sun Dec 04, 2011 11:33 am

Well said Jeff!


What chaos are you referring to? You sound like your getting heated in some of you posts/replies. We're all here for the same reasons, because we live to fish! Share fishing tips, knowledge, get together for some friendly competition & maybe talk a little smack.

You called this a "circuit". That's taking these tourneys a little more serious than most of do. I joined MAFF in 2009 & fished my first tourney with my 13 yr old son in a "BIG BOAT TOURNEY" in my little crawdad with just an electric motor. We had a blast! Everyone welcomed us in! For me & my son it was great spending time together & for $50 I got to fish for 8 hrs with out my wife calling me asking "when are you coming home!" HAHA! I would show with a inflatable air mattress, zebco 33 & a pack of 5" senkos if that's all I had & still have FUN!!

Keeping it simple is what makes it work. If it becomes too "club" like, I think your gonna lose some members & the number of tourneys will shrink.

Posted Sun Dec 04, 2011 4:03 pm

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