So I've been reading about this place for about a year and finally decided to make the trek. I drove about an hour and got to the PUBLIC ACCESS launch and there was a mobile construction office on the ramp ?! I was advised that launching was a liability and instructed not to. Do I get a rebate on my fishing license ? I mean this place as listed as 1 of the best bass spots in Mass. Does any 1 know of any other way to get on the water here ? I have a canoe but didn't really see any places to drop it in there. Ended up fishing Chauncy Lake ( caught a few small 1's).

Posted Wed Jul 13, 2011 6:40 pm

This place has been debated long and hard lately. They're working on the dam apparently. Its a good fishery. I highly doubt you will get a rebate because there are probably 10000 other spots to fish in the state. As for it being the best bass spot...might be, but I've caught better bass elsewhere, and there are plenty of bass to go around. Good luck in the hunt.

Posted Wed Jul 13, 2011 8:25 pm

The rebate was a joke. But hey thanks bud. That 1 u got there in your profile pic ain't too shabby huh ?! Bout 4-5lber ? Yea I'm thinking of rubbling through the woods to get on there. That timber gets my blood flowing!

Posted Wed Jul 13, 2011 8:46 pm

I figured, didn't mean to come off like a dick...haha...the wood is fun there! hopefully the work will be done soon.

Posted Wed Jul 13, 2011 8:55 pm

I hope so man !

Posted Wed Jul 13, 2011 9:01 pm


So I love that place and it's super close to my house. I was very disappointed to see them close it off last fall but I assumed that it would open it back up in the spring. When that didn't happen I was pretty upset since going to A1 is the quickest way for me to get out for a couple hours.

After a couple of weeks of driving by and being pissed off I decided to say screw it and I've been putting my Kayak in there since. I'm in that area for a total of 2 minutes and then I'm out on the pond.

I was there twice last weekend after 7pm and fish were very active and plentiful. Every stump had a fish on it. Largest was around 3lbs, most were upper 1s. I think the general feeling about A1 is the quantity is great but quality isn't the best.

I've seen a bunch of other people launching there still so I don't have any guilt.

Posted Sat Jul 23, 2011 9:27 am

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