I've been going to the Charles river for a few days in search of my first carp of the year, and I hit it today. The river is high, so I tried a 1 oz. sinker to get the bait out into the channel. Sure enough, that did it. I don't have a scale, but the fish was about 24.5 in. Very nice fight - I had to work hard and tighten up the drag to keep her from running up a channel beside me and around some bushes. Discount white bread and some marshmallow on the hook.
I photo of my holding the fish came out funky for some reason - when I put the camera on auto/delay I must have scrambled something. Can anyone give me an estimate for the weight? I don't have a scale.
Last edited by markb on Mon May 23, 2011 7:05 pm; edited 3 times in total