When using live bait does the size of the hook matter?
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New to fishing and planning on a trip to the Otis Res soon. Anyone have any tips as to where on the res to fish, any methods that have worked or types of baits? Do the sizes of the hooks when using live bait matter? Do you catch bigger fish with a bigger hook/smaller with smaller hook? Any info is greatly appreciated as I am just starting.

Thank You.

- Jon

Posted Tue May 31, 2011 9:17 pm

Usually catch bigger fish with bigger bait, although I have caught 5 pound bass ice fishing on small shiners...hook size is less important, but it does matter. you don't want to miss a fish because the hook is too small. Best bet is to ask for a hook size recommendation from the bait shop you get your bait...each bait shop's version of small, medium, large aren't always the same. My dad used to fish the Otis for pike, so if you get live bait, don't forget some steel leaders, if you plan on targeting them. good luck!

Posted Wed Jun 01, 2011 8:12 pm

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