Found this on the web and thought I'd post it for those that want a good,informative read on the subject.It's from MO,but it applies here as well.

Posted Thu Sep 23, 2010 2:28 am

Thanks Bam. great article read something similar in infishermen a few years back

Posted Fri Sep 24, 2010 2:41 pm

yup, it's happening now, I think... fishing has been wicked s-l-o-w, with only an occasional bite here and there, if that. I think I've only caught about 4 fish all month long... Confused

Posted Sun Sep 26, 2010 5:52 pm

I finally got around to reading this article, and it was a pretty good read. I think its interesting that the last part of the article recommends making your own cover in ponds by throwing christmas trees in the lakes...isn't that illegal up here?!

Based on that article, it seems that the fish could be at any depth right now, good time to have a fish finder. Good Luck (to those who haven't packed it in for the season yet)!

Posted Wed Oct 13, 2010 8:27 am

I'm not positive,but I would think maybe littering?Then again they are natural and biodegradable so hmmmm not sure.A private farm pond would be a different story.

Posted Wed Oct 13, 2010 9:06 am

They drained lake lashaway. This winter would be a good time to mark all the humps. Check out the tree limb sticking out of the water about 3 ft. I'm not sure if that was like that prior to draining but it looks real dangerous!
I'm sure it will get cut this winter but i guess you never know what under the water!

Posted Wed Oct 13, 2010 11:30 am

I think technically it would illegal dumping but it is a great idea. Christmas trees make excellent bass cover.

Posted Mon Oct 18, 2010 9:53 pm

Same way you aren't supposed to dump grass clippings or tree debris in the woods. But I dont think anyone would really complain about one tree thrown in the water to create a bass habitat. The law is there to keep say a landscaper from tossing their debris at the end of the day wherever they felt like.

Posted Mon Oct 18, 2010 9:57 pm


Same way you aren't supposed to dump grass clippings or tree debris in the woods. But I dont think anyone would really complain about one tree thrown in the water to create a bass habitat. The law is there to keep say a landscaper from tossing their debris at the end of the day wherever they felt like.

No, the law is there to stop the degradation of our waterways. The problem with the statement you just made is that is the mindset of the majority of feel that one tree wouldn't be an issue. Chances are so do a good portion of the 1451 members of this site..which now means a good deal more then one tree...probably like 1000 trees, and that is just this site, not counting the huge numbers of anglers in this state that don't come here, which could put us up to 10,000 or 50,000 or 100,000 trees..who knows.

Keep in mind, any time you put something into a body of water it changes that water. Yes, it degrades, but in doing so it creates silt, it changes the PH balance of the water as it decays, it raises the nutrient level etc etc. This is a cycle, because as the water changes various plants begin growing, then we poison the waters to control the new growth and so on and so on. Then every one complains that the waters are polluted and laughs how you can't eat fish anymore...None of which is a good scenario and in my opinion people need to start learning how to live with nature, not control it.

I know people love to fish, but leave nature to it's own devices please. There is plenty of natural structure in all bodies to support whatever fish are there.

Posted Mon Oct 18, 2010 10:34 pm

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