I thought it may be useful to have a section for videos on the site. One that will take the embed codes from third party sites like You-tube so you won't have to host uploaded videos. Massachusetts has a great following, a large following heh. I would like to see people film more of their adventures as the tourney's go and such. I find that fishing blogs can be a great way to see and learn various techniques and as such are a great educational tool. It could even help for DIY and Tutorials on techniques. What better way to show the fly fishing roll cast, or baitcasting thumb use, or how to make a lure, then to have a video. Heck maybe it could even stem a MAFF monthly fishing show or something!

Some examples like my website, though we have uploading enabled as well, but you get the idea.


or this one for example;


I won't lie, I love making videos so I would of course benifit from this lol, but I really do think it could be a valuable edition for everyone. This way people would make videos, host them on you-tube, then could use the embed code from you-tube to showcase them here in an easy to find location. Unlike having to post it which is great until no one else posts on it and it gets lost/forgotten in a month. This way a new user could log in and browse through all the videos made by our great community.

Posted Wed Dec 08, 2010 10:36 am

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