Since it was nice out today, I went down to the Charles in hopes of getting some bass (or pretty much anything else).

Was out from 12:30 to 4:30. Didn't get a bite. Used a curly tail jig (multiple sizes). Started at the Mass Ave. bridge and made my way down the lagoons. There was partial ice on some of the lagoons, but enough open water for me to cast out. Plus, the river itself was completely open.

This is the first time I have fished in Boston, and even with the early part of the season, I was pretty disappointed. Anyone have any luck here so far?

Posted Sun Feb 21, 2016 6:40 pm

I actually went the opposite way. I fished at the confluence of the Muddy River yesterday and today.
Yesterday, I caught a perch on a tube and 3 bass (one over 2lb) on a finesse jig. Today, it was too windy, but I still managed to catch 1 decent bass on the same jig.
You can try with carps at this location. I always see people catching bunch of carps with corn.

Posted Sun Feb 21, 2016 6:51 pm


Since it was nice out today, I went down to the Charles in hopes of getting some bass (or pretty much anything else).

Was out from 12:30 to 4:30. Didn't get a bite. Used a curly tail jig (multiple sizes). Started at the Mass Ave. bridge and made my way down the lagoons. There was partial ice on some of the lagoons, but enough open water for me to cast out. Plus, the river itself was completely open.

This is the first time I have fished in Boston, and even with the early part of the season, I was pretty disappointed. Anyone have any luck here so far?

February is my favorite month fishing the charles. Keep at it, look for community holes that usually have a discharge pipe.

Stay out of the lagoons. The only time you should look at a lagoon is from April-June, and thats it.

Posted Sun Feb 21, 2016 10:23 pm

By community holes, do you mean the ones that have the signs by the edge of the water? I think they are water and sewer commission signs?

Posted Sun Feb 21, 2016 10:34 pm



By community holes, do you mean the ones that have the signs by the edge of the water? I think they are water and sewer commission signs?

signs for sewage sounds like a great place lol. !!! Makes me appreciate where I live and fish a little more .

That's why I was confused. I'm not sure what they are. Just noticed some signs walking along the bank today.

Posted Sun Feb 21, 2016 11:18 pm

I love ripping the charles,i follow the same route every time i go out and catch 20-30 bass on average day.What a great fishing spot.

Posted Wed Feb 24, 2016 9:38 am



I love ripping the charles,i follow the same route every time i go out and catch 20-30 bass on average day.What a great fishing spot.

The Charles can be decent , but that's about it . Winning tournament weights are always pretty low , and it can't compare with the better fisheries in the state . Plus it's pretty filthy dirty .

i always catch hogs, and its a 5 min ride from my house to launch which is really convenient.If you know any places not too far(20 mins or less) from waltham or watertown u think are better fishing than the charles let me know brother.Ill try em all out haha.

Posted Wed Feb 24, 2016 9:54 am





I love ripping the charles,i follow the same route every time i go out and catch 20-30 bass on average day.What a great fishing spot.

The Charles can be decent , but that's about it . Winning tournament weights are always pretty low , and it can't compare with the better fisheries in the state . Plus it's pretty filthy dirty .

i always catch hogs, and its a 5 min ride from my house to launch which is really convenient.If you know any places not too far(20 mins or less) from waltham or watertown u think are better fishing than the charles let me know brother.Ill try em all out haha.

I'm comparing the Charles to cape waters that I fish . The Charles definatly isn't kicking out many giants 7lbs or better that's for sure. But the Waltham , Watertown , Dedham stretches have some good water but a 4 lber is a hawg their .

I havent got to fish down the cape at all but i pulled out numerous 5+ pigs last year including a 6.5er and my charles best 7.3.So they are in there maybe just not as many as down the cape.As far as 4lbers those are all day in the charles.

Posted Wed Feb 24, 2016 10:19 am

Happens all the time for me and my buddies when we go, more often than not.Just gotta know where to go.But Id sure love to hit up your spot of 7+ fatties and see how it is. Too bad the capes so damn

Posted Wed Feb 24, 2016 10:36 am

It's just the closest spot I have to fish that's freshwater. Being limited by the MBTA isn't ideal, so I am just trying to make the best of my situation here.

Posted Wed Feb 24, 2016 10:59 am

pay no attention to rangerdanger, he is the resident moron of maff. Super high iq of 140 he informed me via pm, yet he cant spell or understand the proper use of there their they're. He also catches strippers. lol

Ok, lets hear it Dan, tell us how rich and smart you are. love when they start posting their resumes. Sad sad sad, just keeps demonstrating over and over how uneducated he is.

I'm almost starting to feel bad picking on you Dan.

Posted Wed Feb 24, 2016 11:02 am

Would you two turds cut the s***. Haha.

Posted Wed Feb 24, 2016 6:31 pm

its about 60 out right now...contemplating heading out for a little this afternoon. Should i stay or should i go nowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww lol

Posted Thu Feb 25, 2016 8:19 am

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