If you are sitting stationary, I would bet the initial hookset hits as hard, but after that the pressure that you can keep on the fish may be lessened because the kayak will move in the direction of the fish. This can be alleviated with the use of a parking pole or an anchor. I also find that I will fish an area much more thoroughly if I employ a parking pole or anchor compared to just floating. I don't like to use either of them that much, but if I find a sweet spot that I want to fish thoroughly, I will use them to maintain kayak position and really work the area over with different lures and different retrieves. Seems to work out pretty good for me.
Yah I don't like picking up and dropping anchor a lot but yes if I want to really work a spot I think holds fish I will. Today I just stuck myself in weeds and hoped wind wouldn't move me much. The thick pads held me in place pretty well.
Frambret there is always luck involved. I Beas going to fish first light and different place but was lazy got up late n went at ten am which I almost never do hate late to midday trips as I feel you miss best bite times. Also was toward the infamous last cast of the day go figure