Hair rig is only usable if you have the baiting needle to put the bait on the hair.
Like BayState said, wait till October if you don't have too much time to target them. October is a much better time. But if you are seeing them swim by, like right now, they should be catchable without too much trouble.
Bread is prime for sight fishing. Pinch a ball of the white part of a slice of bread over a small (size 6, maybe 4) hook, and just cast it in front of where the carp is heading.
If you don't see them, just put a few kernels of corn on a size 6 hook with an egg sinker rig. leave your bail open, or your rod will be gone. Chum in some too around where you're fishing.
There are more complex rigs, using the European stuff (hair rigs, etc.), but this will still catch you carp.
Posted Thu Sep 10, 2015 5:38 am